Harvest and Enjoy Mint from the Garden


Add a bit of cool flavor to your beverages, meals and desserts this summer with homegrown mint. Mint is easy to grow and suited to container gardens. In fact, growing it in a pot will help keep this vigorous herb contained. Or sink a container of mint in the garden or plant where surrounding walks and walls will keep it in check.

Grow mint in a full sun to partial shade location with moist, well-drained soil. Mulch the soil to conserve moisture. Though hardy in zones 3 to 11, you will need to provide a bit of winter protection when growing mint in containers in colder regions. Either sink the container in a vacant spot in the garden or move the planter into an unheated garage. Water thoroughly whenever the soil is thawed and dry.

Gardeners lacking outdoor growing space or in areas with cold winters can also grow this herb indoors. Grow mint in a quality well-drained potting mix. Place in a sunny window or under artificial lights and keep the soil evenly moist.

Harvest the mint leaves as needed. Cut leafy stems off the plant just above a healthy leaf or bud so the wound closes faster and the remaining plant will look better. Rinse off the clippings and remove tough stems and bad leaves before adding mint to your favorite beverage or dish.