Happy Herman's Hideaway



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Hi there, my San Saba friends, and how in the world are you? In keeping with the spring and the month of May, it seems most of the country is beginning to see a rebirth of sorts, a new beginning to life and the daily living of it. Even I have ventured out beyond the walls of my humble abode this past week to see things other than wrinkled old parental faces and hardwood floors.

I suppose I should tell you guys, I have a new name around the Schulz house; dad has now deemed me Sticker Burr Brat. I take my daily walks around the neighborhood and hey, surprise! I am a wire haired dachshund, low to the ground, full of hair and yeah, things stick to me! I do not come equipped with a self-vacuuming system, do not have a hoovering system on my paws, and you know what… I love to sniff things to see what was there before I was! My very goodness, if you want something clean, get a Roomba! Oops, sorry about the outburst, I got a bit carried away. Long hair is a bit of a sore spot in our house. Mom says she feels like we are back in the sixties, and parentals are weeping and gnashing teeth saying the world is coming to end because their sons have long hair… that is how dad feels when my hair gets long. He called two groomers - and one couldn’t see me until June, and the other until the end of this month… I hope he can keep his hands off the scissors until we get to my appointment at the end of May!

Um, I like the science of things; facts are reliable. I have to say I get disturbed when I hear things that defy science. I heard a song that suggested a person catch a falling star and put it in a pocket and save it for a rainy day. Um, I hate to say this, but if anyone caught a falling star, they would never see a rainy day or any other day, and would have not a pocket to put it in either! I understand pocket license, after all, I am a writer. But I suppose I do not believe there is such a thing as fairy-tale endings. No matter how many stars you wish upon, you are the only star that will ever make your life shine.

I need to talk about something a little gross and personal for a moment; I hope that is okay. As you know, mom has made me homemade food my entire life. Well after my visit with Adam, my vet, he suggested a probiotic canned food. And so we got some, and the parentals kind of alternate into my diet a few days a week. Dad has made it his mission to become a Herman poopologist. Yep, he goes out to check on the texture, consistency and color of my poop and gives mom a full report! Oh my dearest ones, I have never been so mortified in my life! I tried to open a cabinet in the kitchen to find food coloring because I wanted to turn it blue just to see what he would do! I think it would be hilarious!

Well on that note my San Saba loves, I shall leave you these thoughts…be kind to yourself so your heart might find the joy of being kind to others, open your eyes wide enough to look beyond what is wrong in the world to those who are working so hard to make it better, and open your heart to hearing the laughter around you and your soul to joining in. I love you my dear friends, and thank you for being!