Coronavirus count in San Saba County growing, as is our need for diligence


Three confirmed COVID-19 cases in San Saba County


Marsha Hardy, San Saba County Emergency Management Coordinator, confirmed on Monday morning via email there is another positive case of COVID-19 in San Saba County. The female, between ages 20-29, lives within the city limits of San Saba. No other information was available at the time of our conversation.

After leaving a message for Dr. Craig Whiting, TDSHS Local Health Authority for San Saba County, I called City Manager Stan Weik. Mr. Weik stated he had not received any official verification so he could not comment on the new case. He did say, however, that our surrounding counties of Burnett, Blanco, Llano and Lampasas had 50 positive cases in the last week.

Mr. Weik reiterated from my last conversation with him, “We need to all be on the lookout, wear our masks, practice distancing, and clean our hands. If we do these things, the odds are in our favor.”

Mr. Weik stressed, “City Hall will stay closed during the month of July for a reason. The threat is real.” He continued, “When you are out and get out of your car, put on your mask. When you get back to your car, clean your hands and the door handle of your car, and then take off your mask.” He emphasized that everything we touch anywhere we go could possibly pose a threat for the virus.

Dr. Whiting later confirmed the following about the new positive case of COVID-19:

• “This case appears to be community spread as opposed to travel related.

• The subject has been advised to quarantine.

• There are contacts who are isolating until such time we can get test results on them.

• This case is not related to nursing home staff or residents.”

Today, news of the coronavirus is evident by many mediums such as television, computer, social media and word of mouth. Although some people may experience fear or panic towards the COVID-19 pandemic, others may generally feel somewhat apathetic or complacent towards the current medical crisis. However, the medical profession and our leaders stress that this is the best reaction to COVID-19:

• Diligence - steady, earnest, and energetic effort : persevering application. (

Stay safe, San Saba, and be diligent!