Alice in Wonder Land


I got a good report about my right eye cataract operation this morning and an appointment to get new glasses this afternoon. Our health depends on age, lifestyle, and family history. We depend on faith, good judgement, and God's guidance.

I looked for a book about angels at the local Walmart last Friday, but there weren't any. I bought two books: Where the Crawdad's Sing and Radio's Greatest Of All Time Rush Limbaugh. I saw the movie Where the Crawdad's Sing, and my husband Larry was an avid listener to Rush on the radio. It was great to listen to Rush on trips to Mexico and back to Texas and trips to Ohio. Rush was loved and respected for his love for America, his audience and God. Rush and his wife Kathryn began the book together before he died in February 2023, three months after Larry died. I will give the book to my son-in-law Bill when I finish reading it.

Linda Purtee wrote this poem in January, 2011, two years before she died.

He Told Me

Look for the rainbow, cherish the rain.

Love God, smile, laugh and shout.

Live each day as to make it count.

That's what life is all about. Be yourself, let kindness show Love your neighbor, love your friends Keep the faith, believe the best.

HE will take care of the rest.