Alice in Wonder Land


I enjoy sitting on my screened porch here in Zanesville, Ohio, with my 13-year-old chocolate lab Ellie. Ellie is recovering somewhat from an ear infection (hearing loss now), a twisted back right leg (arthritis or torn ligament) and is blind in left eye. Her tests, meds and vet. visits totaled over $1,000.00. I am grateful that Abundant Life Ministries (Pastor Tom Brand) paid this cost and lifted this burden. I am reminded that my black lab/shar pei Ellie that moved to Texas with us was blind in her right eye because of an accident, and my husband Larry was blind in his right eye from a BB gun bullet that hit his eye when he was around 12 years old.

It was good to go with my daughter Jenny on Sunday afternoon, July 23rd, to Buckeye Lake on a boat cruise. We were on the upper deck, and I was amazed to see wonderful changes to that area. In the 1950s, it did not have a good reputation and mostly shacks and the islands on it were uninhabited. Now the banks are lined with beautiful expensive mostly vacation homes, and the islands have exclusive places with one of the islands owned by the Wendy's organization.

Before going on the cruise, I had church on my porch with one of Larry's sermons and Ellie. His notes were about the athlete. Athletes play according to the rules. Christians need to 'play' according to the rules in the Bible. There is an important issue on the ballot in Ohio August 8. As a Christian, I will vote YES on Issue 1 to protect life according to the rules in the Bible.

II Timothy 2:5 And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.