Alice in Wonder Land


What a great way to start the week last Monday when I got a visit from Edward and Diana Flores! They were on their way to visit their son and family here in Ohio. They brought news of family and friends in San Saba and memories of my husband Larry. Diana and I shared how difficult it is to “adjust” after our loved ones die. On Thursday, I got a phone call from Connie Gonzales who sat behind Larry and I at church on Sundays. Larry did some 'fixin' up' work at her house. When I was changing and organizing my jewelry yesterday, I lovingly remembered Connie when I saw a lovely pearl necklace she gave me.

I have opened the door to my enclosed porch this morning and let my chocolate Labrador Ellie out. I shut the door five minutes ago on the 4th time, but here she is with those big ole brown eyes wanting out again. I firmly said “no!” and she went and laid down. I believe I have been the same way with my grief since Larry died. I have been out and in dreading the 'mile markers' of birthdays, holidays, anniversaries and etc. During the month of March, I cried and grieved every morning and made the decision to change churches. I went to a home church, a church where the pastor went to Mexico with Larry, and got online to check out other churches. On the week before Easter, by the Grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, I was able to put my grief in perspective, use it as a stepping stone and receive joy and peace. I have been welcomed back to Northgate Church Dresden with love and understanding.

Jesus proclaimed: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27.