Alice in Wonder Land


When I walked Ellie, my 11 ½ year-old chocolate Labrador, this morning, it was so peaceful with two inches of snow that covered trees and ground here at my condo area in Zanesville, Ohio.

Seventeen years ago, my husband Larry was in the process of raising funds and building a Bible training school in San Fernando, Mexico. He had made many trips to Mexico from Ohio; that was costly and exhausting. We prayed about the situation and made the decision to move to Texas, so we sold our church in Ohio and put an offer on a church in Burnet, Texas, that was declined. We offered full price, but they took it off the market. Larry got on the computer and bought a little church in San Saba where Baskin Insurance is located at this time. So thankful that San Saba was a great place to work, volunteer, have great support for the work in Mexico, go to church and many friendships. There were people who were skeptical of our move to the south because we were Yankees and the cartel was evil. In Mexico, there were trials and tribulations, good and bad situations, glorious Bible training school, churches, and people knowing the love of God. It was all worth it to be in God's plan for our lives.

Isaiah 40:31...They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles. They shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not grow faint. Teach me, Lord, to wait.

I wanted to live in Alice, Texas, to be Alice in Alice, Texas. So now I am thankful to be Alice in Wonder Land. :)