Alice in Wonder Land


I was exposed to covid, so last week I had a test. And Praise The Lord, I was negative! I was isolated for several days waiting for the results of the covid test that included Tuesday, November 8th, and was not able to vote. So, I did not have to sanitize or wash items and was happy to notify people that I was not contagious!

The article in the San Saba News November 3rd by Jake Lackey, 'The Final Word on the Graveyard', was very informative and certainly deserved the front page.

I just got back from an appointment at Eye Surgery Associates of Zanesville, Inc. where my right eye was examined and scheduled for cataract surgery Thursday, December 8th. I had a cataract removed from my left eye in Marble Falls, Texas, two and a half years ago. Night driving has been difficult for me and so is typing this article because of drops that were put in my eyes. For years, I bought over the counter reading glasses and finally got bifocals because I was losing them or they broke easily. One trip to Ohio from Texas, I told my daughter Jenny that I had left a pair of glasses on the plane, and she laughed and said I had left a pair at her house several years ago.

The story is told about two boys who were playing together. They had been reading about the animal sacrifices in the Old Testament. In their little game, they built a small altar of stones and placed some wood upon it. When the altar was finished, one boy turned to the other and said, “Now we must find a sacrifice.” The other boy looked at his toys. His eyes fell on a wooden camel. One of the legs was broken off. Picking it up, he said, “here, let's sacrifice this! It's no good anyhow.”

How many times we are just like the little boy with the camel---give God something not worth anything. Give God your life, and it is worth EVERYTHING!