Alice in Wonder Land


There have been joys, sadness and regrets as I look back at year 2022. These three situations are part of life, and we have 'seasons' of joys and sadness that God helps us with. But regrets can linger. Webster's dictionary quotes 'to feel sorrow or remorse over one's acts or omissions.' There was a member of the choir at the prison in San Saba that I directed who had regrets and was very remorseful because she drove a car while intoxicated and caused the death of a passenger. She accepted Jesus as her Savior, and it was a joy to see God helping her. Words to a song that helps with joys, sadness and regrets are: 'Turn your eyes upon Jesus; look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His Glory and Grace.'

We can make a list for the new year, 2023; some call it New Year's Resolutions. I call it a Contract if we have the list as The Ten Commandments that God gave Moses in Deuteronomy 11:1. You must love the Lord your God and obey every one of His commands.

I have a collection of angels on my antique washstand. I turn on an angel that Linda Purtee gave me and enjoy the lights turning different colors when I have my devotions. One morning last month, I was feeling some sadness after reading my devotions, and the angels light came on without me turning it on. The same thing happened a month after my husband Larry died in Texas when I was feeling lonely and sad. This past year, I have read books about Heaven. In 2023, I am going to read books about Angels. May y'all have many joys in the days to come and rely on God for wisdom and direction.