Alice in Wonder Land


On November 22nd, Sue and Charlie Voesden and I ate at Bob Evans before we went to see the movie The Chosen. Sue is the teacher at the condo Bible Study that is every first Tuesday of the month. We loved the movie that was Part 3 of a series. I definitely want to see Parts 1 and 2 and the others when they are produced.

My daughter Jenny took me to a shopping mall one and a half hours drive where we met my granddaughter Michelle and family on Black Friday. What a joy to see them because they live in Tennessee so I don't see them often. Two-and-ahalf- year-old Camden and I sat on a bench toward the end of our shopping because I was tired and Camden was a 'hand-ful' taking clothing off hangers and getting things he could reach off shelves. I got a police car that had lights and sounds out of the box for him to play with. Instead of playing with the car, he took the two plastic disc's that I removed from the packaging and put them in his pocket and asked me “where are they?” I would look up and down, over and under and say “I can't see them. Where are they?” He would smile and take them out of his pocket, and we both laughed. I will remember this as a precious time with Camden.

Oh we are many times distracted by circumstances and events. Especially during this time of year, we see shoppers that are rude, families separated by distance, or division, crime, weather conditions, financial circumstances, wars, people in prison and etc. and Michigan beat Ohio State 45-23. Here is a quote by an unknown author that has wisdom.

If your lips would keep from slips, Five things observe with care; Of whom you speak, to whom you speak And how and when and where.

Psalms 25:8, 9....The Living Bible.....The Lord is good and glad to teach the proper path to all who go astray. He will teach the ways that are right and best to those who humbly turn to Him.