A Word from Wayne


It’s a great day to be a Dillo! When I looked in the mirror this morning my first thought was that I needed a haircut. We may all be feeling a little shaggy and my pants are definitely not baggy right now.

I think the 19 in COVID-19 stands for the number of pounds I’ve gained. There was a post on Facebook that someone had reserved the first open Salon appointment in their area. The spot was open to the highest bidder and bids were going high.

How we look and how we feel are important. Our teachers and staff have done an incredible job trying to maintain as much normalcy as possible, but it does not nor will it ever feel or look the same as face-to-face instruction.

The Elementary campus did a parade last Friday. It was awesome seeing all the kids drive by and wave at their teachers. My favorite line was when a firstgrade boy had his head sticking out of the sunroof, pointed his finger and exclaimed excitedly “THERE’S MY TEACHER!” It was hard to tell who was the most excited to see each other, the student or the teacher.

My favorite parent poster said, “HOME SCHOOLING IS A WALK IN THE PARK…… JURASIC PARK.” The truth is: We miss our kids and we miss being in their presence. The online work that students and teachers are doing is the best that we can do for now. We know there may be gaps in students’ education when we hopefully return to regular instruction in the fall, but there will also be emotional gaps.

Our kids need the routine of school. They have emotional bonds with their teachers and friends. The school building represents a safe place for them. It is part of their security system. It may take some adjustment for everybody when schools reopen.

Our mental health is as important as our educational advancement and it will take some time and patience. A better word is grace with each other as we learn to live and work differently. We could all use a little extra grace now and in the future.

With that, we are trying to finalize plans for High School graduation. I will share next week what those plans are. I am excited for what our incredibly creative staff has envisioned for the Class of 2020. It will be different, fun and not too shaggy. Go Dillos!