A Word from Wayne


The Last Word from Wayne

It’s a great day to be a Dillo!

As many of you may have heard by now, Dr. Martinez, our assistant superintendent, has been named the lone finalist for superintendent of Evant ISD. We are very happy for her and her new career adventure. Dr. Martinez has done an incredible job of serving this district for over five years. We will miss her. Best wishes for Dr. Martinez on her new adventure.

I also have a new adventure waiting for my wife and me. I have been offered a job as the President/Executive Director for the Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend in Corpus Christi, Texas. The Craft Training Center is a vocational school for public school students and adults to receive certifications in various fields related to the petroleum industry. My wife and I are very excited about the opportunity as it will be a new adventure but also gets us much closer to our grandchildren. San Saba was the right place at the right time, but another journey is ahead for the Kellys.

I have announced my resignation as the superintendent of San Saba ISD to the Board of Trustees. The last 2 1/2 years have been a great experience. We have grown to love the San Saba community and will have many great memories. We wish the Board of Trustees and the staff of SSISD great future successes. Often when superintendents leave, they want to talk about their legacy. I haven’t been here long enough to warrant the word legacy, but hopefully to some there may be some good memories of things done. One thing I want to leave with the residents of San Saba is that every decision made for SSISD was prefaced with the consideration of what was in the best interest of the students first, and then to take care of our staff. Buildings and physical improvements are great, but people are the future. We often fear the unknown, but many great things will continue to happen for SSISD. I will leave you with my educational philosophy I wrote years ago. I encourage you to keep investing in and valuing your students and teachers.

“A parrot can be trained to repeat information, but a child is more than a regurgitator of facts and information. Children are a divine gift with a purpose and duty to leave their fingerprints on humanity. Children learn when they are valued. Education is the tool to impart curiosity, courage, character, and knowledge in the mind of a child. It has the power to overcome poverty, ignorance, and hopelessness. Education is the great equalizer. With this power comes a great responsibility to steward the resources of public funds and human capital.”

Blessings, GO DILLOS!

Wayne Kelly

San Saba ISD Superintendent