News From Cherokee ISD


In academic news, the Junior High students' Power Hour class has been redesigned this year. The goal is to provide a time for students to be pulled for small group activities to meet various needs. This can be a time for students to work on homework with teacher assistance, get extra practice on difficult skills, and complete makeup work. We will also use this time to practice for UIL in the hopes of increasing participation. In high school, our number of students taking College Algebra for dual credit has increased. In fact, it has nearly doubled!

Our GT class has taken on a couple of projects already this year. They are working on identifying some problems at our school and creating solutions for those problems. Currently, they are looking at ways to deter the bees from our outdoor trash cans and ways to keep our campus litter-free. They are also beginning the Texas Gateway Project where they will pick a historical site in Texas they would like to visit (with some parameters). They will then research the place, develop a presentation, and work to convince a panel of judges that they should take a field trip to this place. It will be so interesting to see what they come up with!

In sports news, our Cherokee Lady Indians Cross Country team opened the season at the Johnson City 6-mile Relay. Runners were Payton Hanley, Tilar Turman, Maycie Shanklin, Lily Graves, Ariah Ruiz(alternate) and manager Taylor Randolph. The next meet is August 30th in Brownwood. The varsity football team had a scrimmage last week as well and are gearing up for their first game this week.

Each year, Central Texas Electric Co-op donates take home folders for our students’use. This has been such a blessing to the elementary school. We use them daily and are grateful to have this organizational tool. Thank you to CTEC for your donation!

Have a great week, Indians!