Happy Herman's Hideaway


Life’s Little Problems

  • Happy Herman's Hideaway
    Happy Herman's Hideaway

Hello there my San Saba friends, and how have you been? My hope is you have been well, happy and enjoying your world. Much has happened since last we spoke, so I suppose I best get my thoughts in order and begin regaling you with the stories of life with my parentals.

Since last we spoke, I got a haircut, and I mean I look as close to being a hairless cat without the meow and claws as is possible! Not only can’t dad call me Sticker Bur Baby, he can no longer call me Fur Face or Fat Face! My dachshund face is so thin, I look like one of those models sucking in her cheeks posing for a picture! I have so little hair, I doubt glue would stick on me now! Yeah, sweet friends, my hair is short! Yes, yes, I know, it will grow back, but it doesn’t help my feeling like a hot dog without the aid of bun, mustard and relish while it does!

The other morning mom went to take a shower. Dad was outside, and I suddenly hear these blood curdling screams…mom is yelling for dad! The yelling goes on for a full 15 minutes until mom’s voice grows hoarse from the loudness with which she is screaming! I was out in dachshund jail and could be of no assistance and was paralyzed with fear that something horrible had happened to mom! Finally, I hear mom at the back door screaming for dad to come inside and to hurry! As it turned out, the hot water tap had come away from the wall, and the water was shooting through the wall with the force of a firehose and flooding the bathroom. The screaming for 15 minutes was mom holding the tap to the wall against the tremendous pressure so it would not in fact flood the entire bathroom and house! Mom was shaking like a leaf in a summer breeze and soaked… she looked like a cat who fell in a tub! What a way to start a day!

Our weekend was a bit more pleasant; our Shawn came up from the Houston area to see us. However, just before he arrived, dad was mowing the front lawn, and he saw a rattlesnake! Look, I can put up with my squirrel friends, Skippy and Rowena. They may irritate me but I do not fear them killing me…a rattlesnake is another kettle of fish! Now before I go out to dachshund jail, mom is looking under things, and I tell her… “Oh, so it is okay if one bites you?” She replies, “You are a hairless cat now, tiny and small…I stand a better chance of survival!”

We are now in June, my darlings, and officially in the summer months. It feels different somehow, as if it snuck up on us. Perhaps it is because the boys of summer are not playing their game or perhaps because the entire world has just felt different lately. What hasn’t felt different is my love and appreciation of you. Thank you so much putting up with me, and thank you for being!