Happy Herman’s Hideaway


Finding Innocence


Hello there my San Saba dear ones, and how have you been since last we spoke? I trust you haven’t taken any wooden nickels, been fed any rubber chickens or taken in by any flimflam guys touting miracle cures! I merely ask because I live with the most gullible human being on earth, and one would think a person as educated, intelligent and life aware as mom would not be that way. But, oh boy, is she ever! She may not fall for fake news, but she sure has made quarantine for me and dad a lot of fun!

You know how you can be mean but not really evil? Dad does that with mom sometimes. He will tell her something, be very convincing, make up a backstory and everything, get her all involved, and it is beautiful to watch the wheels turn in her head until she sees the smile on his face and realizes it was all total bunk! He laughs with such sincerity because he just loves the innocence with which mom believes him! He tells me there is still a little child in mom that has never grown up. But he didn’t even have to mention it because that is the part of her I wrestle with on the couch, play fight with and have so much fun with. Personally, I hope mom never loses the child inside her…I kind of like her.

I hope you guys had a nice Easter. We didn’t do much. Well mom and I didn’t, but dad worked all day on building my outside play area in the backyard. It is coming along nicely. Mom put my playpen up out there so we could check out what he was doing. Dad said… “Herman, if you were a normal dog…none of this would be necessary! You could just roam around the yard like Patches and Puddy did.” I thought about being insulted by his words. But then I thought about what being normal meant, and I decided I would much rather be something other than normal. So I wasn’t upset at all. I truly believe normal is overrated, and I much prefer to be exactly who I am.

Mom does not purchase things on Amazon to watch, but she made an exception last night and bought the first season of Young Sheldon. Oh my very goodness, it is hilarious! I thought dad was going to have a heart attack laughing so much! In these times of such great uncertainty, it is good to do little things that bring joy into your life. Even something as simple as letting go with the pure joy of laughter, finding the innocence in someone else or simply seeing it in yourself can be so refreshing and reaffirming. I often think humans have lost sight of the things that truly make life good because they are so used to having outside things make life good for them. We all have it within us to create our own happiness, create our own joy. I hope you have an incredible week until we talk again. I love you, my San Saba friends, and thank you for being!