San Saba Lodge to meet Saturday


On Saturday, April 2nd, San Saba Masonic Lodge will hold its regular stated meeting. A meal of fried fish will be provided by Joe R. Ragsdale at 6:30 p.m. Members are asked to bring complimentary covered side dish, bread, salad, or dessert. Also, Masons and Masons Helpers are reminded to provide their community service reports for March. Lodge will begin after supper. Jim Rumsey, of the Grand Lodge Committee on Work, will be in attendance. All Master Masons are encouraged to attend.

Each year at this time, the Masonic community comes together to raise funds for the Lamar Medal Scholarship Fund and Seniors Banquet. The date has been set for the annual scholarship fundraiser. This year the fish fry and bake sale will be held on Thursday, April 21st. In case of bad weather, the event will take place the next date on the 22nd.

The 2022 Seniors Banquet will be held at the lodge hall in San Saba on Monday, May 2nd, at 6:30 p.m., for the senior classes of Cherokee, Richland Springs and San Saba. All profits from the sale benefit the awards to a deserving college bound student of each school.