The Richland Springs Report


Just like that, March is done, Spring is here and we’re preparing Easter eggs for kids. Churches around the world are celebrating the greatest gift since the beginning of the world. The perfect sacrifice that opens the door to heaven. Around us are the signs of new life, green grass, spring flowers, budding trees and babies romping in the fields. I love this season.

I’m not seeing school events posted on the calendar.

The tennis kids did win in their last meet and will advance in men’s singles, doubles, and mixed doubles. For those of you who don’t know Jaspur Farris, he has won another rodeo event in bareback riding. He has punched his ticket to Las Vegas once again; Good luck, Jaspur.

The congregation of First Baptist is sending up extra prayers for Brother Mack after seeing the attack at the border. Watching our young troops being overrun by furious illegals, some soldiers were hurt. Please pray for a secure border and the return of our guard to their homes. I know there are many good folks trying to get into this country, but if they come via the cartels, they will never be free.

By the time this comes out, I will have made a beautiful spring wreath thanks to Dee Crump and Arabella Designs and Chrissy’s Plants. This is the second craft day that these ladies have held, and I can’t wait to see the finished results.

The Ladies Quilting and Bible study will hold their last regular meeting on Tuesday. There will be sewing days once a month for anyone who wants to bring all their projects, a snack and wants some fellowship.

The gardening group had another meeting last Sunday. This time, they were given some expert advice on bees. This is close to my heart since we are getting some bees on the farm shortly. Russ and I had bees years ago, but since we weren’t down here every weekend, something destroyed the hives. This time, we have Bobby and Chrissy to mind the hives. I suspect it will be mostly Bobby.

My garden is going well. I’m not sure if any of the baby peaches or apricots will still be hanging on the trees after this giant wind we’re experiencing. The lettuce looks great. It’s wonderful to have a salad with your own lettuce. Now, if only all the rest of the plants will grow and produce a crop.

It’s almost Tax Day. I realize that landowners need to allow the state to declare eminent domain when it is needed for important programs like wider roads. What I don’t like is after taking the land, the IRS wants to tax you for capital gains. It’s also unfair to people who have had the land in their family for many generations. Family farms and ranches are in trouble with inflation, but with inroads being made for roads, pipelines etc., it could pose problems with the tax people.

Please be aware that there will be school board elections in Richland Springs. There should be a list of candidates soon. This position is time consuming, not always appreciated, but extremely important to the school community.

Galen Guillory’s friend, Dallas, lost his fight with his illness and went home to be with the Lord. Russ’s longtime friend and co-worker, AL Behrens, is coming home from the hospital and is not doing well. There are many others who need our prayers. The food banks in the area are being inundated with folks who can’t afford groceries. Please consider contributing your time and resources.

Please pray for our country, our border, the wars in Ukraine and Israel. We need some peace in this chaotic world. Most of all pray, for our precious troops and their families.