Hill County CattleWomen featuring nationally recognized water rights expert at April Meeting


Dr. Charles Porter, an accomplished author, speaker and educator, will be addressing a topic on every rancher's mind, WATER, at the April 16th meeting of The Hill Country CattleWomen.

Dr. Porter authors and teaches several certified professional continuing education courses for the Texas Real Estate Commission including The Waters of the United States Ruling 2023 and Introduction to Texas Water Rights. His recent college textbook, Water Rights and Policies in the United States: A Guide Through the Maze (Rowman and Littlefield, September 2023), is considered a one-stop guide to discovering water rights in all 50 states of the United States. He is also the author of a book on water rights close to home, Sharing the Common Pool: Water Rights in the Everyday Lives of Texans (College Station: Texas A & M Press, 2014). Most recently he served as a panelist at the Texas Water Development Board's Water for Texas Conference invited by John Dupnik, head of the Groundwater Division of the TWDB.

This meeting will also be devoted to fine-tuning the details of the HCCW upcoming fundraiser, The Spring RoundUp Dinner and Dance, happening Saturday, May 4th, at Lady Bird Johnson Park, Pioneer Pavilion. Tickets to The CattleWomen's biggest fundraiser of the year will be available for purchase at the meeting along with raffle tickets for a brand new, 2024 Kawasaki 4010 4x4 Mule. Come join us for what promises to be a fun, exciting event including a delicious catered steak dinner, dancing to The WagonAces band, live and silent auction items, and the Kawasaki Mule raffle.

Hill Country CattleWomen are still accepting scholarship applications for college juniors and seniors. College students must have 60 completed college hours and a GPA of at least 2.8. College students residing in the 14 counties The CattleWomen serve are eligible. Those counties include Gillespie, Bexar, Bandera, Real, Edwards, Kerr, Kendall, Blanco, Kimble, Mason, Llano, Menard, McCulloch and San Saba. College Junior and senior applications are due May 29, 2024.

So come and join The Cattle-Women on Tuesday, April 16th, at 10 am to hear what this very distinguished and knowledgeable expert has to report on our Texas Hill Country water. The Old 300 BBQ, 318 4th Street, on the square in downtown Blanco, has graciously allowed us to use their facility and will be serving traditional Texas BBQ Brisket plate at noon for a cost of $25. Kindly RSVP by April 15th (Tax Day!) online at hillcountrycattlewomen. org or contact Gaye at gayethomas@hotmail.com or (713) 502-1721.