Doug's Doorstep


Better Than Glue!


Have you tried it yet? It is amazing and it does exactly what it said it would do. I tried it, more than once, and it has worked every time. If you haven’t tried it, and need it, I would suggest you get it. It may even put a smile on your face when you see how good it is. What is it? Gorilla Glue!

I had seen it advertised on TV and thought I would try it on something that needed repaired at our house. I was surprised at what a good job it did and have had several opportunities to use it—success every time!

But there is something greater than Gorilla Glue that works even better. Well, tell me Doug, what could be better? The Bible, scripture, God’s word is even better than the glue that I used.

Paul, in writing to Timothy, stated, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; (17) so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NASB). Scripture was inspired by our God. The word inspired means “God breathed.” Thus, this comes from the Creator of all the world. Not only is it inspired, it is profitable for some important things.

First, it is profitable for teaching. God’s word teaches us the right things to do and the right way to live our lives. It teaches us about the creation of the world and all things in it. It teaches us about God’s will for mankind. It teaches us what to do to become a child of God. And it teaches us that if we do not obey Him, we will not live with Him eternally.

Secondly, it is profitable for reproof. Reproof convicts us of the error of our ways. “The Bible tells us how to live our lives— what God expects of us. When we stray from God’s teaching, the Bible is there to reprove us, to tell us we are not following God as we should.

Thirdly, it is profitable for correction. When we know we are not following God as we should, the Bible tells us what to do to get our lives right with Him.

And fourthly, the Bible is profitable for training in righteousness. It is there to teach us how to stay on the way that God desires for us to go.

The Psalmist wrote about God’s word in 119:105. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Teaching tells us where the path is, reproof let’s us know how far off we are, correction tells us how to get on the path again, and training in righteousness keeps us on the right path.

The important thing for you and me is to read God’s word so we can be pleasing to God. If you are out of the habit of reading God’s word, let me encourage you to begin today and then to practice the things you read. What a world we would have if more of us were doing this! And, it is even better than Gorilla Glue. Glue will hold for a while. The Bible is good for eternity.