Commissioners’ Court met for a regular meeting Monday, July 11th; damage at the airport from Saturday storm was discussed

  • Storm damage to hangar doors at San Saba County Municpal Airport. Photo submitted by Steve Dyer
    Storm damage to hangar doors at San Saba County Municpal Airport. Photo submitted by Steve Dyer
  • Storm damage to nose of a plane’s propeller. Photo submitted by Steve Dyer
    Storm damage to nose of a plane’s propeller. Photo submitted by Steve Dyer

The San Saba Commissioners’ Court met for a regular meeting on Monday, July 7th, in the Commissioners’ Courtroom. Judge Byron Theodosis called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. Commissioner Kroll gave the invocation and led everyone in the pledges to the American flag and the Texas flag.

Audience for Concerned Citizens For Public Comment:

Juan Saldoval, Permit Coordinator for the Matterhorn Pipeline Project addressed the Court. He stated he would like to schedule a meeting with the Commissioners to talk about the scope of work there is to do and to answer any questions they may have about the project. Judge Theodosis showed a county map with the proposed route of the pipeline, which is a high pressure, not liquid, pipeline. It showed how it goes through the northern part of the County.

The Judge told Mr. Sandoval that he looks forward to working with him. The company has been very nice and very eager to work with San Saba County.

Steve Dyer, San Saba County Municipal Airport Volunteer, informed the Court that the storm last Saturday evening, even though it did bring up to an inch of rain for some, did quite a bit of damage at the Airport, and all six hangar doors were damaged. Three are more damaged than the other three because of the wind direction. He noted the welder is coming later this morning (Monday) to look at it. Mr. Dyer said there were only two airplanes in the hangar at the time, but one was damaged. One of the blown-in doors caved in part of the nose of the propeller.

Mr. Dyer explained that the tenants have three securities on the doors in case of high winds that will hopefully keep this from happening. When you pull them shut, you put in a pin to latch them together. There is also a pin that is put down into steel where you can pin the bottom. The third security spot is chains that link over the sides at each end of the doors.

Mr. Dyer stated that he will keep the Court informed as to the damages and the liability to the County.

Judge Theodosis stated he appreciates all the work Mr. Dyer does at the airport. He told him to go ahead and proceed with the repairs.

Ms. Hardy reminded the Commissioners of the Baylor Scott & White blood drive July 12th at First Baptist Church from noon to 6:00 p.m.

Action Items:

1. Approve or Correct and Approve Minutes of Previous Commissioners Court Meeting(s):

Decision: The Court voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the previous Commissioners’ Court meeting.

County Official and Departmental Reports:

2. County/District Clerk: Approve Subject to Audit or Reject Clerk's Report:

Ms. Wells stated her office is very busy; lots of property is being bought.

Decision: The Court voted unanimously to approve the County/District Clerk’s Report Subject to Audit. 3. County Treasurer: Approve

3. County Treasurer: Approve Subject to Audit or Reject Treasurer's Report:

Ms. VanBeck reported that the second half of the American Rescue Fund monies has arrived; it totals just over five hundred fifty-eight thousand dollars. The County has until 2024 to commit how it will be spent. The Judge mentioned that a tower/ communications would be a good way to spend it. He asked Deputy Shaw for an update on the donation of the radios from Hamilton. Mr. Shaw stated that Hamilton is waiting for their new radios to arrive. They will then send us their old radios. Mr. Shaw stated he had an in-person meeting with Motorola about the equipment and the consoles at the jail, and it was very helpful.

Decision: The Court unanimously approved the Treasurer’s Report Subject to Audit.

4. County Justice of the Peace: Approve Subject to Audit or Reject JP Report:

The following information was provided by Ms. Blossman:

Total: $12,358.30

Community Service/Jail Credit: $5,310.85

Total to the Community: $4,263.93

Small Claims and Civil: $252.00

Decision: The Court voted unanimously to approve the County JP report Subject to Audit.

5. County Sheriff and Jail: Approve Subject to Audit or Reject Sheriff's Jail Report:

The Sheriff updated the Court on the Ford Taurus that was decommissioned. They received no bids and will now probably take it to auction.

He also stated that some troopers and game wardens are helping out at the border, and that puts an extra burden on local law enforcement.

The Jailbook total for June was 373 with an average of 12.43. It was discovered that the Jail Report for April was never brought up for a vote. The Jailbook total for April was 378 with an average of 12.6.

Decision: The Court voted unanimously to approve the Sheriff’s Jail Report Subject to Audit. Special Action Items and Non-Action Items):

1. Discuss and Take Possible Action For The Purchase Or Voting Equipment From Election Systems & Software:

The Judge reported that this has been talked about in the past several times, but now is the time to act on it. He noted the price is $66,000 dollars, but there is a grant for $61,000 available to us. Therefore, the cost to the county would be $5,000.

Decision: The Court voted unanimously to approve the purchase of Voting Equipment from Election Systems & Software.

2. Approve Resolution For HAVA Election Security Grant Award Agreement:

This is the grant for the election machines in the previous item.

Decision: The Court voted unanimously for the Judge to proceed with the HAVA Election Security Grant Award Agreement.

3. Discuss and Take Possible Action on Budget F/Y 2022 2023:

Decision: There was no discussion, and no action was taken.

4. Discuss and Take Possible Action On Dam Safety Inspection Reports For Lower San Saba River:

Mr. Poole reported that the Dam passed inspection. There was a short discussion, but no action was needed or taken.

5. Accept Donations From Reliance Energy, Bill Sloan & Sloan Livestock, and Pat Pool For Pct. 4:

Decision: The Court voted unanimously to approve the donations From Reliance Energy, Bill Sloan & Sloan Livestock, and Pat Pool For Pct. 4.

6. Discuss and Take Possible Action On FEMA Grant Status:

Ms. Hardy stated her office is still waiting on FEMA to send them more questions. She noted that our FEMA contact is out now on Family Medical Leave, and he is the one fighting for us to get all our materials. It was stressed by Ms. Hardy and Ms. VanBeck that the Commissioners be diligent in being very specific, such as in time sheet dates and times, as this detailed information is very important when filing for FEMA funds.

7. Take Possible Action Concerning Burn Ban (Current Status: Burn Ban IN EFFECT 06 12 2022 Expires 09 10 22):

Decision: This item was tabled.

8. Approve or Reject Proposed Amendments and/or Line Item Transfers:

Ms. VanBeck presented four Line Item Transfers.

Decision: The Court voted unanimously to approve the four Line Item Transfers.

9. Approve or Reject Proposed Accounts Payable:

Decision: The Court voted unanimously to approve the Proposed Accounts Payable.

10. Discuss Next Commissioners Court Date & Time:

The next Commissioners’ Court will be held, Thursday, July 14, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Courtroom. A second Commissioners’ Court meeting was also scheduled for Monday, July 25, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Courtroom.

11. Adjourn:

Judge Byron Theodosis adjourned the meeting at 9:50 a.m.

The following were in attendance at the meeting: Judge Byron Theodosis; Commissioners: James Lebow, Kenley Kroll, and Pat Pool; Kim Wells, District/County Clerk; Lois VanBeck, Treasurer; Sheriff David Jenkins; Dwayne Shawn, Chief Deputy; Marsha Hardy, Emergency Management Coordinator; Jody Fauley, Citizen; Greg McGregor, Citizen; Randy Robinson, County Attorney; Brian Rogers, Citizen; Steve Dyer, San Saba County Municipal Airport Volunteer; Juan Sandoval, Permit Coordinator for the Matterhorn Pipeline Project; Candy Kokernot, Administrative Assistant; and Djuana Payton, reporter with the San Saba News & Star. Commissioner Ricky Lusty was not present at the meeting.