2023 Richland Springs Trade Days deemed a 'booming success'

  • 2023 Richland Springs Trade Days deemed a 'booming success'
    2023 Richland Springs Trade Days deemed a 'booming success'

On Saturday, April 15th, the third annual Richland Springs Trade Days was held in front of Cen-Tex Feed/The Feedlot, a business on Highway 190, just inside Richland Springs. This event, and 'brainchild' of local resident, Jason Lewis, was very well-attended per my observations while excitedly going from booth to many a booth! As acting director of the Trade Days, Jason described the outcome that day as a 'booming success!'

Jason related he developed the idea several years ago of a large 'garage sale' to be held in small town Richland Springs with just a handful of mom/pop businesses, hoping a like event would help boost the town's economy. The next thing he knew, his idea became more of a trades/vendor day which could be likened to a very tiny scale of Fredericksburg.

Initially, the Richland Springs Trade Days was held in the city park and Church of Christ parking lot. However, the second year's event grew in vendor numbers, and Reagan Maxcey, owner of the Cen-Tex Feed/The Feedlot, graciously allowed the Trade Days to set up on his property. Following this further, this year's Trade Days far exceeded Jason's hopes and dreams for his goal of promoting a better economic outlook for his beloved community of Richland Springs. With that said, a total of 114 vendors (compared to last year's vendor total of 72) set up their booths and, according to Jason, at least 1,000-1,500 attendees walked through the entrance gates. Moreover, Jason added that several event volunteers were adamant that attendance numbers totalled into the 'thousands.'

Although vendors pay a nominal setup fee of $10.00, these vendor proceeds are donated to the Richland Springs Preservation Society. Vendors are not required at this time to donate a portion of their total sales.

A large array of goods and wares were offered at vendor booths and ranged from Hall's Daiquiris To Go to cone desserts by The Bluebonnet Express; live plants and succulents, antiques, arts and crafts, guns and ammo, food trucks and booths, baby chicks and eggs (which came first??), tools and equipment, soaps and lotions, and the rest is too numerous to mention! It certainly took me quite some time to go to each booth for perusing items but this included time for talking to old and new friends!

According to Jason, all the vendors happily talked about 'selling out' or that their sales numbers were impressive. He said the most unique vendor items were rings and necklaces made from spoons. The Spoonery, out of Brownwood, set up at the Trade Days for the first time. Another interesting note added by Jason was the salsa vendor who drove from Longview, Texas. This vendor told Jason he sold out of salsa and left for home with the intention of returning next year!

Furthermore, several food trucks and booths did well, including a church from Brady that sold tamales. The pastor had contacted Jason the morning of the event to ask about being a part of the vendors. Indeed, his church sold out of tamales within a few hours and happily left early for the trip home. Even a local business called and excitedly told Jason 'that was the best Saturday sales since we have had the store!' Jason said there were five local non-profit groups that offered items for sale.

Fact: One can't have a large event such as Richland Springs Trade Days without the help of volunteers and contributions of monies, goods, time and resources. Jason attributed this year's huge success to volunteers from Richland Springs, San Saba, and San Saba County. Besides Reagan Maxcey, Jason named and expressed much gratitude for volunteers such as the Richland Springs Mayor and some City Council members; the RSISD Superintendant, principal and staff; several RSISD students; the San Saba County Sheriff's Department; and owners/employees from local businesses.

In conclusion, the Facebook group for the Richland Springs Trade Days is already hot with positive posts from this year's vendors and vendors for next year's event. Other posts are event attendees talking about the great times and exciting finds/ buys at this happening! This talk definitely includes me. . .I'm anxiously awaiting for what's in store next year and wondering if I could even be a vendor! And Jason, well, he's just excited that this event was successful and his goal for Richland Springs' improved economy is getting closer and closer to fruition.