Lenny's Life Lessons

  • Lenny's Life Lessons
    Lenny's Life Lessons

Hello, my San Saba loves, and here is hoping you had a very good week since last I spoke to you. The week was strange for me because mom’s friends kept stealing her, and I was jailed as if I had suddenly topped The Most Wanted list!

Mandy took mom to workout at something called a gym. Mom loved it and talked about loving riding a stationary bike and being on the treadmill again. Neither of those things made a bit of sense to me because a stationary bike is nothing more than a chair with wheels on it, and for humans the entire goal in life is to avoid being on the proverbial treadmill. Then in the evening, Marsha Hardy captured mom and whisked her away to a meeting about something that is going to happen with the moon and sun. Mom was gone for hours! Look, I fully realize mom was related to Otto Struve who was the Director of the McDonald Observatory and was a very famous astronomer, but we are talking about my head in the clouds, silly mom here! She acts as if she is an alien and we all know it, but unless she plans to be out directing traffic, handing out No Mooning Allowed Signs, all mom needs to know about the total eclipse is to stock up on my food and to stay home! She did hear a very interesting young woman named, Dawn Davies speak.

Speaking of alien behavior, imagine taking a peaceful nap on the couch when all of a sudden ZZ Top starts blasting in your ears; you open your eyes to see your white haired mom dancing around the house as if her arms and legs have suddenly become detached from her body! I screamed, jumped off the couch to look for her phone to call Mandy for help! I ran to her, jumped up to see if I could help, and the woman thought I wanted to dance with her! I am telling you, I ran into the bathroom, nosed the door shut to have some much needed alone time! I enjoy watching Looney Tunes, but it doesn’t mean I want to be a character in one of their cartoons!

Now, don’t misunderstand, I love my mom, even her weirdness, quirks and anomalies; however, that doesn’t mean she has carte blanche to include me in them. Music may soothe the animal soul, but I don’t think ZZ Top, Metallica, or AC/DC are included in the selection. If I went up to mom and barked in her ear for 11 minutes, she would walk out the door and likely not return; her music is barking in my ears! As for dancing, I am a dachshund, not a ballerina! I may like to eat mush, but mosh pits are not a safe place for dachshunds!

I have a question? Can cats read? We have a No Trespassing sign, and yet these cats come into my yard every day and night! They mess with my things, and I do not like it! I scream at them from the front window, but they just look at me as if I am stupid! I am so in love with having my own yard I have become very possessive of it. Mom keeps insisting they will do no harm, but she is naive and sees the good in everything. Yep, the woman grew up where they had hurricanes and says, “ they aren’t that bad, just gets a little windy.”

Speaking of windy, I am being a bit long-winded today. I hope you have an incredible week. Take care of yourself, and should you see someone else in need, give them that part of yourself you can, even if it is just a smile. We love you to chicken bits!