Alice in Wonder Land


I watched the eclipse here in Zanesville, Ohio, with me, myself and I. When I called Marsha in San Saba, she had a wonderful view of the total eclipse. What a joy it was to talk with Marsha because we share widowhood, and our husbands were best buddies. There were posts on Facebook about the eclipse from Cynthia and Suzana. Winfield showed a great view from the Regency Bridge of the beauty of spring.

My companion cat Dinah is at the screen door watching our lawn being mowed. I have ob-served that cats have a different personality than dogs. My companion dog Ellie (died 6-30-23) would not be near the door with that noisy mowing. I am very happy to see the lawn mowed remembering that when I lived near San Saba there was a little over ½ acre of lawn to be mowed. From 1963-1977, we lived near Millersburg, Ohio, and mowed two acres with a belly mower under a tractor. There is an old expression, 'don't let the grass grow under your feet' meaning don't be lazy.

The author of the book of Hebrews in the Holy Bible is unknown. In chapter 6, the author warns against falling away (lazy). Hebrews 6:10-12 NIV...God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure. We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.