A Word from Wayne


It’s a great day to be a Dillo! It has been a while since I have written, and quite frankly there has not been much to say that doesn’t center around COVID, quarantining and close contact. When Governor Abbott made his announcement last week, he sent the education world into a scramble. There was no warning, heads up or prep time to ask questions. Abbott made his announcement and left the room.

As a kid, I remember the first time I swatted a wasp’s nest with a stick. I learned quickly that I should have used a longer stick. When I hit the nest, my focus was on the big nest. But my attention soon turned to all the small inhabitants of the nest, and I felt it best to leave the area. When Governor Abbott made his announcement, masks seemed like a good target to swat. Maybe his attention was to distract all the Texans who were still trying to find plumbing parts to fix the busted pipes in their houses from the big SNOWVID.

Now the attention from every parent and student is over the wearing of masks, and the stingers are out. The wearing of masks has been a huge issue of contention, not just in San Saba, but the rest of the world as well.

Some people applaud the decisions of school boards and health officials in requiring masks, and others condemn the declarations and cry conspiracy. Governor Abbott swatted the wasp nest and then handed school administrators the stick as if to say, “It’s not my fault you still have to wear masks.” I am not allowed an opinion on the matter because my opinions do not change the policies. My focus is on keeping our kids in face-to-face instruction.

The TEA and DSHS have not changed any of the requirements for schools. Schools must continue to provide contact tracing and send students home if they fit the definition of close contact with a COVID positive person. If we want our students to dance at prom, run in the track meets, perform in one act play, enjoy softball and baseball and have a normal graduation, we still have to wear masks. We only have a few short months of school left, and I applaud the San Saba Board of Trustees for putting our kid’s health and safety first as we finish out the school year. Our mask policy will stay as it is.

Here is what will change for SSISD:

Our capacities for outdoor activities are open with no fan or bleacher limitations at San Saba outdoor sporting events, but masks are still required.

Each school district we visit for sporting events will make its own decisions regarding mask declarations, and we must follow the guidelines of that district. Some districts will continue to limit capacity and require masks. We must abide by their mandates, or we may not be allowed entry to watch our kids perform.

As special SSISD events arise (ex: awards assemblies and banquets) capacity limits, if any, will be addressed upon release of information about the event. Masks will be required at all SSISD events.

All other campus COVID processes and procedures will remain the same.

I am excited for businesses that can reopen. It is good for our economy, but those businesses are not held to the same standards as public schools. We want to keep our schools doing what schools do, and unfortunately the wearing of masks is what keeps our teachers in front of their students, parents able to work and students learning. I want to thank our parents for sending their kids to school. Our attendance rates are at 95%, and that is good under any situation. We want to finish this year strong.

As always, we appreciate your support and encouragement for our staff who work tirelessly to provide a safe and healthy environment for our students.