San Saba Lodge to meet Saturday, March 5th


On Saturday, March 5th, the Lodge will hold its regular stated meeting. A main course meal of enchiladas will be provided by JD Jake Lackey. Members and ladies are asked to provide a complimentary side dish, bread, salad, or dessert. The meal will be served at 6:30 p.m. Also, Masons and Mason’s helpers are reminded to provide their community service reports for February.

A memorial will be held for the passing of Joseph John Huckestein, who passed on January 19th. Born in Ohio May 5,1934, Brother Huckestein, was a Freemason for over 45 years, and was active in Bertram Lodge No. 583, San Saba Lodge No. 612, the Scottish Rite and Shrine. He was made an EA September 23,1976, FC November 5,1976, and MM December 3,1976, in Bertram Lodge. In 2011, he affiliated with San Saba Lodge and served as Treasurer from 2012 to 2016. In 2011, he was recognized by the Scottish Rite with the Albert Pike Award for his service to public school education for over 50 years.

San Saba Lodge wishes to remind the public that the community flag drop box is available for your retired flags. The collection box is located just across from the courthouse square between the library and the police station.