The Richland Springs Report


I watched a wonderful light show Saturday night, excitedly waiting for the rain to fall, but to my dismay, it all disappeared. I understand folks in Zephyr had large hail, and I certainly would not like that. But Lord, we need rain in this little dip of the country.

All these big storms just go around us and leave us dry. We need rain, period.

The last few weeks of school are bringing their usual volley of events. Sunday, the senior class sponsored the calf and goat roping event. I didn’t watch much roping, but I enjoyed a delicious burger.

Mrs. Starr and Mrs. Locker always take good care of me. My little boys are now grown. Jeremiah made sure I was served, and Brandon walked me to my car carrying my burgers. Now that makes a teacher’s heart happy. I’m looking forward to great things from this senior class.

Brandon has made an excellent career choice in the electrical field. I firmly believe in service careers. Not everyone needs to go to college.

I saw the school has the Ag position open for next year. I want to wish Shawn Dennis the best as he moves to a new position. He was and is an awesome ag teacher, who has wonderful gifts to give to his students. I count it a privilege to have spent time around him. He also has a weird sense of humor. He will be missed. I understand the Browns are retiring as well. I loved working with Mrs. Brown. Both are dedicated teachers who love their students.

The 8th grade will have their graduating luncheon on Tuesday the 16th and then seniors on the 18th. Both will be at the First Baptist Church. The Baccalaureate will be held at the Christian Church. Paula Shannon will have the details by next week. The kids are already trying to check out, but hang in there, kids. Always run the race to the finish line. The week will be topped off with the annual Alumni Banquet. Kristie Perry is working hard to get this event ready for Saturday.

Brother Mack and the kids ministry team are planning the summer activities for the kids. One item on the books is VBS. There’s a twist this year; on the last day of VBS, they will hand out school supplies. So, if you want to save a little money, put the event on your calendar. We will get the supply list for each grade from the school. It’s going to be a great summer. Shiloh will also take the older students to Intensity this summer.

My daughter Chrissy and I have been working overtime trying to get two old houses tidied up. I have reorganized our 110 plus year old house into my sewing house. Chrissy and I, plus some extra help, have cleaned up Annie’s house, and although it is in disrepair, we are doing our best to get it ready for Chrissy’s plants and things. In case you are not familiar with Chrissy, she is a plant enthusiast.

I’m looking forward to next spring. She will have plants ready to go for our local gardeners.

Russ’s new favorite sports person is Carlos Alcaraz. This young man is a joy to watch. To start, he obviously loves to play tennis and enjoys every minute on the court. Secondly, for a young man, he has amazing skills and tennis savvy that make his game entertaining. Thirdly, he is a good sport.

As usual, the prayer list is long. I won’t list them this week, but please remember your neighbors who are sick, have lost loved ones, or are home alone. Reach out and be a good neighbor. Please keep our border, our government, and our President in your prayers. Our students and teachers need our prayers for strength to complete the school year. Most of all, pray for our precious troops and their families. Don’t forget prayers for rain. Have a blessed week, but most of all, pray for our precious troops and their families.