The Richland Springs Report


Another month in a year that seems to be speeding out of control is about done. We are stuck in some horrible weather pattern that is draining the life out of the land and its inhabitants.

I was fortunate enough to take a break from our hundred-degree weather and visit Costa Rica one last time. My kids are moving back to Texas to take care of Earnie’s mom. I was afraid they would be unhappy about leaving that beautiful place, but they are at peace with their decision. They are rushing to get things packed, sold and/or given away. They are leaving behind many friends from church and leisure pastimes.

I had a quiet visit except for my last day. We went to a place called the hidden beach. It was just down the road from them.

We could see the large apartment building from the beach. For those who know me, I’m always up for a little excitement. On this final day, I wanted to have a picture taken with the waves crashing behind me. I thought I had chosen a spot far enough away from the breakers to get the effect without being killed. So, there I sat, all posed and smiling waiting for the perfect wave, my son standing close by for my safety. Then came that powerful wave, captured so beautifully by Earnie. The next photos are a series of disasters as I was swept off my perch and crammed between two rocks unable to get up. Once my son stopped laughing, (he takes after his mom,) he rushed to help me. I did mention I was crammed between two rocks right, so it took some effort to get me up. I wish I could print all the photos because they seem to make everyone laugh. To all my students, I have warned you over the years how powerful an agent water is, so not heeding my own warnings is not too smart. My ribs are tender, but I have a wonderful picture and memory of my visit. God is good, all is well, and a beautiful chapter has closed in my life. My next trip is to Canada in the fall.

Judging by the traffic on the road, and the posts on Facebook, I can see parents are taking lastminute trips before school starts. August 10th is the first day of school for the kids. The school is providing school supplies again this year. That is something Mr. Womack has provided from the beginning of his tenure here. Since the churches couldn’t collect supplies for the kids, they decided to provide backpacks. These can be picked up at Mrs. Wyatt’s office, or if I can think of another distribution method, I will let everyone know. Don’t forget the Back-to-School Bash in August. This is going to be a great event, and if all goes well, it could be an annual event.

The sewing ladies went to Brady while I was gone. Serenity Quilts is having a 40% off sale for the month of July. I may have to run over and see what I can buy before the sale is over. Kathy Davee brought me two of my quilts that she finished while I was gone. They look wonderful. Now, I just need to add the binding.

There will be a sewing day at the First Baptist Church on Monday the 21st from 9:00 a.m. until everyone is tired. The ladies will start weekly Tuesday meetings in September. Sandy Reed has started a ladies group at Shiloh. I will post more information next week.

As usual, the prayer lists are long. Our prayers are needed for Sam Orwell’s family. Russ Ransom’s sister Bobbie passed away on Saturday. Weldon Faught’s funeral was Monday at Shiloh. Johnny Reeves underwent surgery last week for a malignant cancer. The Young family is fighting for Jeremy. Teresa Casarez is undergoing serious surgery, and there are so many more. Please pray for our community members.

Pray for this extreme heat and all the people who are suffering through it. Our country and its leaders need serious prayer time. We are the land of the free and the brave. We need God to restore sanity to our land, and we also need a deluge of rain to help our land. God, bless our police, emergency personnel, firefighters, and most of all our precious troops and their families.

Have a wonderful week and stay cool.