The Richland Springs Report


I’ve been enjoying all the pictures posted by parents on Facebook.

It seems like yesterday that I was trying to keep Keston’s Costa Rica explorations from causing major damage. I could count on Cohen to add calming words to the classroom, and Hannah could keep every one of the boys in line with her dry comments. Brandon always had a sweet spirit and a smile on his face. They were a fun group. The class has changed a little with fresh faces that I don’t know very well. I wish them all the best. My prayer is for them to stay connected to God as they head out into a less than friendly world with its many temptations. God be with you.

Saturday evening the juniors and seniors attended their prom.

According to Mrs. Starr, they were well behaved and spent two and a half hours dancing together. Tonight, they will be honored by the First Christian Church in a Baccalaureate ceremony. The arms of their parents and this community will extend around them in prayer and song.

They will be bathed in prayer before they take the next step, graduation. This year graduation ceremonies will be held on the football field. Although we need more rain to fill tanks, hopefully it will wait until the ceremony is over. This graduation is the first I have attended as a retired teacher. It will be a poignant memory for me. Congratulations to Hannah Miller, Valedictorian, Tyler Grant, Salutatorian, Jeremiah Beam, Justin Hutchins, Keston Lusty, Brandon Stewart and Cohen Tharp. Congratulations to Hannah and Tyler for their Rotary Club awards.

So far, I have decided to totally retire. I’m not sure if I’m good with that, but it seems to be right. I don’t feel old enough to retire, but the numbers tell a different story. Like many people of my generation, I have this work ethic that tells me to work until you are unable or incapable. I admit, my generation has some trouble with the entitlement generation. So many younger people want the best of everything but can’t or won’t do the work to achieve their wants.

Inflation is not going to help them meet their goals. Perhaps we didn’t do our jobs correctly? Did we make it too easy for them? I hope not.

I missed the Sports Banquet on Friday. Coach Burkhart looks forward to this event as it gives him the opportunity to reward all the athletes who have worked diligently. Many of our athletes have received district and area MVP awards and nominations. The guest speaker at the sports banquet was Corrine Sheffield. Coach Burkhart surprised her with the FCA athlete of the year award. If you are interested, please go to the RSISD page, and enjoy the promenade pictures taken at Risien Park in San Saba.

I missed the banquet because Todd Lewis was putting in the cattle guard, and it took me past the starting time. It’s not finished yet, but as soon as it is, we will move the cows back. My new gate is plain, but Fred Overstreet’s gate is pretty. I may have to rethink the aesthetics of my gate.

Final week events are as follows: Elementary awards 9:00a.m. in the gym, first annual 6-12 awards banquet 6:00p.m. in the gym, and Friday is an early release day. Busses will run at noon.

Jason Lewis shared his squash harvest with people around town. He stopped by Chrissy’s Garden house, and I picked a few for myself.

Thank you for blessing so many people Jason. My garden is growing, and I have a few squash, but I only planted three. I fear I will be sharing some of mine also. One does grow tired of eating the same thing every night. Which should be shame on me because some people around the world will go to bed starving. I do have quite a few green tomatoes.

Patsy and Grant Hall are proud of their granddaughter Lylah. She was inducted into the Junior National Honor Society. She has the benefit of having brilliant parents and grandparents.

Mrs. Starr asked me what my travel plans were for the summer. I’m not sure, but I do need to visit my brother who is in a nursing home.

I haven’t seen him for several years because he cannot travel far. I do have a cruise to the Bahamas and one to Greece planned in the future…God willing. I’m trying to work out this more time but less money lifestyle.

We continue to pray for Jeremy Young, Vicky Moreno, Ashley Ware, and several others fighting cancer. We had several babies on the list for issues, but those have been resolved. Please pray for our sick and grieving in the area. Pray for our country and our endless round of election ads. I wish they would wait a little between elections and give us a break. God be with our President, legislators, emergency personnel, police officers and border patrol, but most of all be with our precious troops and their families.