The Richland Springs Report


Isn’t it amazing how much good rain can do to the vegetation? Of course, the weeds like the rain as much as the grass and garden plants do. My corn is about a foot tall, but the weeds are fighting for territory. Looks like next week will be weeding time. I cooked up my first squash for dinner on Friday. Nothing tastes better than home grown veggies. I love the green landscapes, but in the back of my mind, summer is looming, and the battles begin to keep everything alive. Please, Lord, we need more rain.

Saturday was the Alumni banquet. I had a bit of an emergency, so I didn’t get to attend. All years ending in three were honored. I’m told there were about five people from the 1953 class.

Except for one covid year, the alumni has met for over 90 years. Many thanks to the students and Mr. Womack who prepared the gym for use, the many volunteers who helped decorate, and the alumni who helped organize this yearly event. I know the young folks don’t realize the value of this annual meeting, but I hope they keep the tradition going. They told me the gym was full.

Baby Camden Soto decided to swallow a coin on the way out of the church. He is presently in the hospital in Temple being prepared for surgery to remove the coin and keep his airway clear. Our prayers are with him and his family. (Update: A penny was successfully removed from Camden’s airway, and he is home.) Praise God.

I haven’t heard when the RS BoHo Unique will reopen. Jackie, the owner, has been in the hospital for the past few days. Our prayers are with her for a speedy and complete recovery.

Our little town is going to have a Pro-Tem mayor until an election can be held since no one announced their decision to run before the deadline. Johnnie Reeves has done a wonderful job. He will be missed. I noticed that some of the people and properties that he had managed to get cleaned up have started to mess up our town again.

Please folks, take pride in our town.

Jeremy Young is receiving palliative care for his recent surgery. The goal is to get him strong enough to treat his cancer. Many prayers have gone up for him and his family. The prayer list is long: Vicky Moreno is having more treatments, there are several other cancer patients in the area, and we have families who are mourning the loss of their loved ones. Please keep your community and neighbors in your prayers. Our country, President, southern border, and economy need serious prayers. The school will close soon, and our kids will be out and about. Keep your eyes open for young kids on bicycles. Have a great week everyone, but most of all pray for our precious troops and their families.