Notes from the Spring Creek Arts Guild


A Word for 2021

  • Notes from the Spring Creek Arts Guild
    Notes from the Spring Creek Arts Guild

Several years ago, I noticed that some people were choosing a word for the new year. As I prefer to set New Year intentions instead of resolutions, additionally selecting a word to serve as a compass point for the new year is very appealing to me. The word that popped up as the right one for this year does not have a pretty or inspirational sound to it, but the meaning of it is perfect for me at this time, and maybe it will ring true for some of you, too.

My word for 2021 is GUMPTION. It it pronounced “gumpshun” and is defined by the Oxford American Dictionary as “shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness.” What tipped me over the edge on this word was that I discovered it is Scots in origin. Having learned that my family heritage is almost completely English and Scots, and my husband’s is very similar but more Scots-leaning, this word seemed tailor-made for me.

There are a few reasons why I need this word at this time. First, I am passing another big decade birthday soon. The decades always give me pause, leading me to reflect on all that has happened so far and anticipate where the next 10 years will take me and my family. To put it the way my sweet husband did, this approaching birthday feels like the beginning of the fourth quarter of life. Thanks, Honey! I would like to begin the fourth quarter with shrewd and spirited initiative and resourcefulness.

Then, there is 2020. I think we can all agree that 2020 was one of, if not THE most bizarre year most of us have ever experienced. I think it is an excellent plan to take all that we learned and experienced in 2020 and move forward with gumption.

Personally, I have had several years of change, transition, challenges, joys, and occasional bouts of muddled disorganization, fatigue, and bad attitude. There have been some major transitions just within the past eight or nine months, one of which is my youngest child graduated from college and got married, meaning we are true empty-nesters now. I have been gradually rearranging my home and work spaces to fit the new life. Sometimes I look at one of the spaces where we have been stuffing things “for now” and feel like I should have what my British friends call a lie-down. But no! Instead I muster my gumption and start hauling things out, sorting, cleaning, casting off, and putting things away.

Finally, I aim to apply shrewd and spirited initiative and resourcefulness to my physical, mental, and spiritual health during the coming year. On New Year’s Day, I began the chronological Bible-in-a-year reading plan again, this time with a different translation of the Bible. The Bible reading practice keeps my mind in the right place which leads to much improved mental health. Since this past weekend marked the end of regular deer season, I think I am now safe to restart the walking practice that I have been neglecting for a very long time. Walking outside is great for mental and physical health. Finally, one motivation for all the cleaning and rearranging is to make it easy for me to get back to my creative pursuits. My sewing/quilting space is getting more organized and my reading/writing/drawing/painting space is coming along, too. I will be working in my gardening space today and tomorrow, so it will be ready for spring. Creativity, making, and producing are all very good for my mind, heart, and soul.

Do you have intentions and/ or a word for the coming year? However you choose to approach it, I hope each of you has a happy and healthy 2021! <>