La Palabra de Dios Dice


2 Timoteo 4:1-8 DHH Delante de Dios y de Cristo Jesús, que vendrá glorioso como Rey a juzgar a los vivos y a los muertos, te encargo mucho que prediques el mensaje, y que insistas cuando sea oportuno y aun cuando no lo sea. Convence, reprende y anima, enseñando con toda paciencia. Porque va a llegar el tiempo en que la gente no soportará la sana enseñanza; más bien, según sus propios caprichos, se buscarán un montón de maestros que sólo les enseñen lo que ellos quieran oír. Darán la espalda a la verdad y harán caso a toda clase de cuentos. Pero tú conserva siempre el buen juicio, soporta los sufrimientos, dedícate a anunciar el evangelio, cumple bien con tu trabajo. Yo ya estoy para ser ofrecido en sacrificio; ya se acerca la hora de mi muerte. He peleado la buena batalla, he llegado al término de la carrera, me he mantenido fiel. Ahora me espera la corona merecida que el Señor, el Juez justo, me dará en aquel día. Y no me la dará solamente a mí, sino también a todos los que con amor esperan su venida gloriosa.

2 Timothy 4:1-9 ERV Before God and Jesus Christ, I give you a command. Christ Jesus is the one who will judge all people—those who are living and those who have died. He is coming again to rule in his kingdom. So I give you this command: Tell everyone God’s message. Be ready at all times to do whatever is needed. Tell people what they need to do, tell them when they are doing wrong, and encourage them. Do this with great patience and careful teaching. The time will come when people will not listen to the true teaching. But people will find more and more teachers who please them. They will find teachers who say what they want to hear. People will stop listening to the truth. They will begin to follow the teaching in false stories. But you should control yourself at all times. When troubles come, accept them. Do the work of telling the Good News. Do all the duties of a servant of God. My life is being given as an offering for God. The time has come for me to leave this life here. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have served the Lord faithfully. Now, a prize is waiting for me—the crown that will show I am right with God. The Lord, the judge who judges rightly, will give it to me on that Day. Yes, he will give it to me and to everyone else who is eagerly looking forward to his coming.

Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor, 401 S. Water, Domingo, 10:00 a.m. Dios te ama!