Happy Herman's Hideaway

  • Happy Herman's Hideaway
    Happy Herman's Hideaway

The Kindness of Consideration

Hello, my San Saba dears, and how have you been since last we spoke? I can tell you, had I been an egg instead of a dachshund, I would be over easy and eaten by ants by now as hot as it has been! The only one not complaining in our house is mom who still has her blanket on the couch to use while watching television.

Mom will venture out for the first time in months and months; she will go get a haircut. The woman quite looks like a cave woman who has never seen a comb or a pair of scissors! Dad always says her hair is the only healthy part of her body, and right now it looks like Einstein’s if he put his finger in an electric outlet! Mom sees Angela at Cuttin’ Up, and the first thing Angela asked mom was if she had a mask which made mom so happy!

Speaking of wearing a mask, mom and I were so shocked and saddened when we received our paper last week to see so many pictures in it of people, even children, not wearing masks and so close to each other. We care so very much about each of you, and the last thing we want for any of you is to become ill or to make someone you care about ill. Consideration of others is such a very simple thing, my loves, and trying to stem the spread of this disease is really important to so many of us. If my mom got it, she would die, and I have to tell you…I would be one sad dachshund! I am not trying to tell you what to do, or lecturing to you…I am telling you how my mom would love to feel safe again…be able to enjoy this town she loves so much and stop being sequestered in this house like a prisoner. Here is the thing though, once mom sat next to a guy on a plane with a cold, and she got sick. But not just with his cold-but almost with pneumonia, and Dr. Whiting had to put her on antibiotics…that is how weird she is. Think before you breathe.

I have been busy perfecting my skills as thief. I know it is wrong, but I feel as long as I do not come into your home, take things from local establishments without paying for them, I am well within the law. I mean really now, are the parentals going to throw me in jail for stealing a dish towel? If dad doesn’t want me having it, why does he bring it into the living room where I have access to it? If something is on the couch and within my reach, it is fair game! The same rule applies for clothes left lying about and the things contained in the pockets. Around this house, if you are a mess, you will have less….trust me!

Hey, have you ever watched a movie where the door knob came off in a person’s hand? Well that happened to dad the other morning when he tried to go out our back door at six thirty! He was so happy about it-it was like a cartoon where you would have thought the entire door came off in his hand! We had a bit of drama for a time…grumbling, rasping, barking. But the door has a new handle, and we all survived.

Every day I wake up, my dear San Saba loves, I am awed by life and not because I live a grand one, have wealth or fancy things, but because I have the greatest of all things to sustain me…warm, loving, caring and attentive parentals who do everything in their power to take care of me. My sweet friends, you owe that to you yourselves, to your loved ones and to those around you. Be cognizant, be respectful, be considerate, loving, kind, wear a mask and be well. I love you, my friends, and until we speak again, thank you for being!