Down Memory Lane


81 Years Ago

June 15, 1939

Among the boys who have landed a job during vacation is Emmett Lloyd Byrd, who is helping his father, Lloyd Byrd of the San Saba Produce Co. Dean Bagley, a member of the '39 senior class, also has a job with the same firm. His father, R.B. Bagley, has him loading and unloading oats at the warehouse.

GREEN YOUR SHRUBS AND TREES, we have COPPERAS in 5 Pound Bags with complete directions for using. CITY DRUG STORE.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wayland have let the contract for a modern to be erected in the West End on the south half of the Hill block. The Wm. Cameron & Co. has the contract, with Will Franklin in charge of the building.

Mrs. Garth Little is assisting in the Little & Sons store while W. T. Little and family are in California. This is Mrs. Little's first experience in the business world and she likes it. She can sell you some nails–if you happen to need them.

Texas prison livestock will be used in the First Annual San Saba County Rodeo to be staged on Rogan Field here Thursday, June 29, Friday, June 30, and Saturday July 1, it was announced here Tuesday by E. H. (Blackie) Johnson of Lampasas, promoter of the threeday affair, who was here meeting with the committee from the San Saba Junior Chamber of Commerce, sponsor of the event. Included in the group of livestock from the prison system will be a large number of calves, bull-dogging steers, Brahma bulls, bucking horses and also a number of clowns. Johnson, who has been in active charge of the Texas Prison System Rodeos for the past four years, is well-known over Texas for his excellent rodeo performances, and this event bids well to be one of the best to be presented in this part of the state, with the excellentlylighted Rogan Field to be the scene of the performances each evening.

Riddle: "Why is a Woman Like A Newspaper? An enterprising Florida paper offered a year's subscription for the best answer to this question: "Why is a woman like a newspaper?" Here are some answers: "Because they are thinner now than they used to be." "Because they carry the news wherever they go." But this one won the subscription: "Because every man should have one and not run after his neighbor's."

65 Years Ago

June 16, 1955

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kirkpatrick and Raymond Arhelger went to San Antonio Monday, June 13, where they met Lt. Billy Walker Kirkpatrick at the International Air Base, and brought him home to spend about a month. Lt. Kirkpatrick had been in Greenland for about a year.

Third place in the State 4-H Club Judging Contests was won last week by a Richland Springs 4-H Club team, coached by County Agent Sterling Lindsey.The team included Henry J. Warren, Orvil Cowan, Thomas Brown and G. A. Huff.

A severe windstorm on the leading edge of a cool front hit the county about 5 p.m. Wednesday of last week, causing some property damage and extensive damage to row crops and other vegetation. The awning on the Risien building being used for storage by San Saba Hardware was lifted by the wind and dropped down on the sidewalk. Repair and replacement cost about $40.

Former students of Prof. F. M. Behrens college at Cherokee, the former West Texas Normal and Business College, held their 11th reunion Saturday on the Cherokee school grounds, spending the day in reviving old memories and visiting with old friends.

A wedding shower honoring Mr. and Mrs. Gene Johnson of Austin will be given at Spring Creek community house on Saturday June 18, at 8 p.m. with Mmes.. Aubrey Hopson, Homer Edmondson, Pete Taff and Wade Ledbetter and hostesses.

Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Sturdivant and family of Denver City and his mother, Mrs. O. B. Sturdivant visited friends and relatives in Killeen and Lampasas Friday and Saturday of last week.