Down Memory Lane

  • Down Memory Lane
    Down Memory Lane
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50 Years Ago - SAN SABA STAGE BAND– Here is the San Saba Stage Band, directed by Russell Lewis, playing at the P-TA meeting held last Thursday night, Mar. 4. This band also participated in the 20th annual Stage Band Festival held at Brownwood Feb. 26-27, and the band will be one of the features at the Talent Show here Friday night, March 12, in the high school auditorium for the benefit of the Arthur Crim Foundation. Members of the band include Manuel Soto, Lance Longley, Randy Sloan, Ricky Lemons, Bruce Sowers, Kenny McCarty, Patricia Calhoon, Cindy McCoury, John Clay Smith, Charles Fry, Debra Norris, Dan Benson, Raymond Moreno, David Shahan, Nila Hill, Raena Wharton, Sherry Ellis, Amy Harrison, Lonnie McCarty, Tommy Ketchum and Craig Shahan. –Photo by Wanda Wharton


80 Years Ago January 16, 1941

R. L. McConnell has some 40 young men constructing sidewalks under the NYA project. Sidewalks have been built on the Halden lot and also on the Kirkpatrick property along Wallace Street. Now is the time to get in touch with McConnell for any work which can be done under the NYA.

Mrs. M. F. Gammage has returned from Huntsville, where she spent her holidays and visited her brothers and sisters in a reunion.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Taylor of Harkeyville have recovered from the flu and were business visitors in San Saba Tuesday.

Mrs. W. H. Hinyard has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Clifford Jackson of Dallas.

Ground was broken last Wednesday for the construction of the new $17,000 structure to house the Vocational Agriculture and Home Making department of the San Saba school. The new building, to be erected with WPA assistance, will be one story in L shape and of native brown sandstone. There will be 3,400 sq. ft. of floor space with ample facilities for both school departments.

Mr. Raymond Castleberry and Mrs. Allene Talley were united in marriage on Jan. 7 at the Cumberland Presbyterian manse with the Rev. E. L. Terry officiating. Mrs. Castleberry is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lee of Wallace Creek.

The year closed with some six inches of rain over our regular yearly rainfall and the New Year started with plenty of moisture. It has rained about half an inch so far and the farmers are wishing for dry weather.

50 Years Ago January 14, 1971

Mrs. Tommie Joe Clark and son, John Richard of Dallas, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark recently.

There was one baby born at San Saba Memorial Hospital from Jan. 4 to Jan. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Ridley, Jr., are parents of Charlie Francis III, 10 pounds, three ounces, born Jan. 6.

TYPEWRITER RIBBONS Big stock of ribbons, Type Cleaner, Eraser Liquid, pencils, auditor pens, etc. Get yours at the NEWS & STAR.

David Williams returned to San Saba Sunday, Jan. 10, after a three week tour of Europe and Nassau, where he visited and traveled with his cousin, Janis Rader of Munich.

San Saba Volunteer Firemen, at the regular meeting Thursday night, Jan. 7, elected new officers for the coming year. James Reavis was named fire chief and Cecil Lusty, assistant fire chief; Dee Kilpatrick, secretarytreasurer; and T. J. Stewart, chaplain. Don Woodruff and Larry Shivener were named captains of the new fire truck; Gailyian Smith, captain of the white fire truck; and James (Red) Gossett, captain of the old red fire truck. Joe Ragsdale was named captain of the panel wagon.

J. C. Petty, James Reavis, Lowell Heath and Brown Hudson are in Dallas today, Jan. 4, for a meeting with officials of the Housing and Urban Development, known as HUD. The purpose of the meeting is to further discuss the Housing Authority's application for approval of an additional 60 units of low rent housing. The local delegation also will discuss the delay in the currently approved 40 units of low rent housing, which will be constructed as soon as the HUD office gives permission to announce bids for construction.

TREE TRIMMING TIME again, City Secretary Reavis reminds us. While we are at it Mr. Secretary, lets get rid of some hedges that make for blind corners, and street intersections. A 12 to 15 feet clearance from the corner is suggested. A Safety First for the town's streets is needed, with no respecter of persons, in cleaning up unsightly corners.