Bill and Pat Celebrate 70 Years Together

  • Bill and Pat Celebrate 70 Years Together
    Bill and Pat Celebrate 70 Years Together

Bill (William Connor) and Pat (Patricia Kay) Grusendorf were married on Saturday, February 16, 1952, in their hometown of Waco Texas. They became sweethearts at Waco High School on January 18, 1949. They were students at Arlington State College (The University of Texas at Arlington currently) when they decided to marry. Their life has been enriched by two wonderful daughters, Becky (Rebecca Lynn) and Connie (Constance Kay), and their wonderful husbands, Buddy Whitley and Lee Bridges, and one wonderful granddaughter, Katie (Katherine Elizabeth Grusendorf) Bridges. They celebrated the occasion with their family at their residence here in San Saba. They noted that their life together has been a gift from God and with many angels in disguise that helped them along the way.