Alice in Wonder Land


I have enjoyed the Christmas decorations on the fourfoot artificial tree that I put on a small round table in my living room. Instead of taking it down and storing it, I put it on a table in my screened enclosed porch and will change the decorations each month. For instance, angels and the cowboy and cowgirl will be on each month; January I have snow flakes, and snowmen; February will be hearts; and etc., each month. I love it when a plan comes together.

Yesterday I went through all the Christmas greetings I received and have smiled, laughed, prayed and cried because there are happy memories or good and sad news. I keep the ones that have news or photos like my former neighbors, The Vaughn's. I have received greetings on Facebook also. I don't get on FB very often but was delighted to see a post of Juan Cano with his beautiful girlfriend. His smile was as big as Texas!

My daughter Jenny gave me a suetcake hanging feeder that I hung outside on my porch where my cat Dinah can see it as she is laying at the front door watching for deer. When I went to hang the feeder, there was a Christmas decoration hanging there that did not get put away. I have done that every year, but sometimes don't see them for months!

I mentioned that I keep news from dear ones, so I will close with a comment from a former pastor in Millersburg, Ohio, Ralph Hollingsworth, in Christmas 1981: Jesus came singing Love... Jesus lived singing Love...Jesus died singing Love...If the song is to continue...We must do the singing.