Alice in Wonder Land


When I went to the Kroger store here in Zanesville, Ohio, last week, I saw a car license plate from Texas. I looked around and stayed a short time hoping to see the owner. I went inside the store and made my purchases. When I came out of the store, a woman was putting groceries in the Texas car. I went to the woman and explained that I used to live in San Saba, Texas, and she replied that she recently moved from Tyler, Texas, to Zanesville. On my way home, I thanked God for a connection with Texas. I am out of Texas, but nobody is gonna take the memories of Texas out of me! Recently, I sent Naomi Ragsdale a card, note and photo of Naomi and her husband Joe with my husband Larry. It's a great picture that will bring memories, tears and a smile.

The weather reports have been about drought, tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, and severe high temperatures that have brought death and destruction. The Bible tells about what we are witnessing and what will come to pass. We can complain and be anxious about the weather, circumstances and etc., but that does not help. Jesus gave this important message in The Living Bible, Matthew 6:34...So don't be anxious about tomorrow, God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.