Alice in Wonder Land


I have been blessed with special events beginning with Friday, May 12th, my 82nd birthday. My daughter Jenny took me to Holmes County here in Ohio where we used to live. On Saturday, May 13th, I sang and gave a testimony at the Ladies Luncheon at church. On Mother's Day, I went with Jenny and her husband Bill to Columbus for dinner. Oh, and last week, I went to a Mother/Daughter Banquet with Jenny in Newark and my name was selected to pick a table ornament of potted flowers that I have in front of my condo. I received Birthday cards from dear ones in Texas, a Mother's Day call from Winfield and probably got greetings on facebook, but my computer locked me out and I cannot get them. I'm thankful to have email so that I can send this to the San Saba News & Star.

I am looking forward to having lunch this week with Debbie Miller who lives over by Lancaster, 45 minutes from where I live here in Zanesville, Ohio. She supported mission work in Mexico and taught at the Bible Training School in San Fernando, Mexico, when my husband Larry was the co-director.

I was happy to have my large US Flag waving until a strong wind came and blew it down. My neighbor Tom looked at the flag holder and noticed I had dry wall screws instead of wood screws so I will need to purchase them and get it to flying again. That is so much part of life to find out we are doing the wrong thing, and the key is to correct it. Psalms 121:5-8 gives us great comfort.....Jehovah Himself is caring for you! He is your defender. He protects you day and night. He keeps you from all evil, and preserves your life. He keeps His eye upon you as you come and go, and always guards you.