Alice in Wonder Land


The walk after breakfast this morning was eventful for my chocolate Lab, Ellie, because she got to finally meet Lupe, a small dog about the size of Ellie's head. That name reminded me of Lupe in San Saba and his wife, Debra. They attended Abundant Life Ministries that my husband Larry pastored in San Saba. Debra has kept in touch with me since I moved to Zanesville, Ohio, greeting me with “how are you doin' Sister?” She has been such a caring person with a long list of people she prays for. At this time, Debra needs prayer because she is in the hospital.

John Bunyan picked up a Christian tract and took it to prison with him. After reading it, he was converted and wrote 'Pilgrims Progress' which turned millions to righteousness. Years ago at Abundant Life Ministries in Ohio, we had this as a Vacation Bible School theme. One of the crafts for the older students was a cross made from burnt matches. At the closing program, one of the fathers told me that his son chose to attend VBS to complete the cross instead of playing at his baseball game. Oh my, what a difference a 'choice' makes. When my husband Larry died 11-22-20 in Texas, I had many choices to make. I just wanted to stay in bed, but my chocolate Lab, Ellie, needed to be fed. I am thankful for the assistance and prayers of friends, and The Grief/ Share program was very helpful. I am realizing that the things we 'go through' here on earth is an opportunity to help others 'going through' the same thing.

Philippians 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. . . The Living Bible