Alice in Wonder Land


Alice is in a Winter Wonder Land here in Ohio on December 19, is ccccold this morning with an inch of snow on the ground, 18 degrees and high of 32; Thursday it will snow more; Christmas morning it will be 5 degrees and a high of 17.

This time of year people are making a list and ask 'do you have all your shopping done?” It was not on my list to lose my credit card on December 15th, and the Walmart cameras could not find it. I went to the post office right after shopping at Walmart and could not find the card. So, waiting for my new card I realize how much I use it, and it takes longer to have a check approved. So thankful that Alamo Pecan will bill me and Christianbook Distributors and others locally take checks.

Words to a song is 'Santa is making a list, checking it twice to see who is naughty or nice.' I believe God has a list for the naughty or nice people also. It is a death or life situation, so that is the most important gift you can give God and yourself to choose life. We will be celebrating the gift that God gave us on December 25th....and He shall be called The Messiah, Prince of Peace, JESUS!

Jesus Christ's Gifts: His purse to Judas; His body to Joseph of Arimathea; His mother to John; His clothes to the soldiers; His peace to His disciples; His supper to His followers; Himself as an example and as a servant; His Gospel to the World; His presence (presents) always with God's children!.........Selected