SSISD School Board holds Regular Meeting, Monday, May 9th


The San Saba ISD School Board held a Regular Meeting on Monday, May 9th. The following School Board members were present: Misty Everett, Rusty Glover, Stuart Isham, Jake Lackey, Kristen Nelson, Kevin Shahan, and Tim Sebastain. San Saba Staff present at this meeting: Buck Gilcrease, Andreas Aguirre, Buck Martin, Machelle Perry, Tim Cooper, Scott Snyder, Josh Ham, and Kathryn Robertson. Djuana Payton, Reporter with the San Saba News & Star, was also present at this meeting.

Call to order / Pledges / Roll Call and Establish a Quorum:

The meeting was called to order by Kevin Shahan, president, at 5:58 p.m. He announced that a quorum was present and led in the pledges to the American flag and the Texas flag. Kevin Shahan then led in prayer.

Special Presentation:

A plaque was presented to Jeffrey Osbourn in appreciation for his outstanding service to the San Saba ISD from 2013-2022 as a school board member.

Recognition of Programs and Students:

Dr. Snyder presented some members of the Girl’s Basketball team, the Boy’s Powerlifting team, FFA Chapter members, Visual Arts and Scholastic Event participants, and UIL Academic Regional participants and shared their acknowledgements with the board. The Board congratulated each group individually as they were presented.

Administration of the Certificate of Election, Statement of Elected Officers and Oath of Office to the Newly Elected Trustees / Board Re-alignment:

Machelle Perry administered the oath of office to newly elected school board members, Rusty Glover and Jake Lackey.

The Board discussed School Board officers.

Decision: The Board voted unanimously to leave the officers the same for the next year. President - Kevin Shahan; Vice President - Misty Everett; Secretary - Kristin Nelson.

Communications from Superintendent:

Dr. Gilcrease reminded the Board the next School Board meeting is scheduled for June 13, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. He also stated there will be a Special Meeting for the purpose of canvassing the election results; only two members are needed for this meeting, and not a quorum. SSISD Offices will be open Monday-Thursday for the months of June and July. The offices will be closed the week of July 4-8, 2022. It was decided there will be no scheduled School Board meeting in July; a special meeting may be called if needed.

Consent Agenda:

A. Approve regular meeting minutes from the April 11, 2022 meeting.

B. Amend 2021-2022 budget as needed.

C. Allow and pay bills.

D. Investment and Financial Report.

E. Accept Donations.

There was discussion on the new school sign which will be updated and bigger. It will be much clearer and easier to see.

Decision: The Board voted unanimously to approve all of the above Consent Agenda items.


High School -

Dr. Snyder mentioned that last week was testing, and results will be online. He then brought up some calendar events coming up including banquets, concerts, and awards events as well as Baccalaureate Service.

Middle School -

Mr. Ham reported there will be STAR testing next week. Two ceremonies are upcoming at the middle school: academic awards ceremony and eighth grade promotion.

Athletic -

Coach Aguirre updated the Board on some softball and baseball information as well as the state golf tournament in Austin.

Old Business:


New Business:

A. Consider/Approve the Purchase of Teacher Professional Development - Capturing Kids' Hearts

Dr. Gilcrease explained this is to address student mental health. Some of the staff have had experience with this program and feel it is a good fit for our district. There is good follow up with the program, and it is affordable for us.

Decision: The Board voted unanimously to approve the purchase of the Teacher Professional Development - Capturing Kids’ Hearts.

B. Consider/Approve 2022-2023 Allotment and TEKS Certification Notification

Dr. Gilcrease explained this has to be adopted every year; it certifies that we are teaching the TEKS and all our curriculum is centered on the TEKS.

Decision: The Board voted unanimously to approve 2022-2023 Allotment and TEKS Certification Notification.

C. Consider/Approve Region 15 Contracts

Dr. Gilcrease noted that every year SSISD contracts with the Region 15 Service Center need to be renewed. He explained it is for many services including attendance, finance, and how those two go together.

Decision: The Board voted unanimously to approve the Region 15 Contracts.

Mr. Shahan dismissed everyone except the Board at 6:30 as they went into executive session.