The Richland Springs Report


I think November just flew by, and I missed most of it. Now we start the rundown to a new year. The big Christmas Market was Saturday, and you could feel the excitement in the air. I was at the Post Office yesterday and a driver waved out the window and yelled, 'Can you believe this is downtown Richland Springs?'. I agree. On Saturday, the lights were lit, the old bank building was open, and the new BoHo Unique was competing for business with many beautiful wares from the vendors involved with the market. Paige Moats and the Beautification Committee have out done themselves. Kudos to the RSPS Society for making such a difference in the old bank.

Richland Springs is waking up.

It’s been a beautiful wet Thanksgiving. I thought we would miss most of the weather. But praise God, it’s raining. Facebook is full of Thanksgiving wishes from friends and family. Many families will face this holiday season with sadness because they have an empty seat at the table. It’s nice to know loved ones are with Jesus, but it doesn’t stop us from missing them.

I had a call from my sister Dee yesterday. Her brother-in-law Robin has terminal cancer and is in severe pain. He has opted to take advantage of Canada’s mercy law. He will be assisted to die today.

While I understand the issues, I can’t help but feel nervous about this law. It’s never a good thing when humans decide to play God. My prayers are for the family he leaves behind.

I had some outdoor plans for Thursday that didn’t come to fruition.

I didn’t see anything on the radar to indicate I would be listening to the rain pouring from my gutters. I am not complaining. The chores can wait. The rain is a blessing. Now is when I wish I had the big catchment barrels to water the trees during the hot summer.

So, as we give thanks for our many blessings, let us offer up prayers for our country, our governmental leaders, and the men and women who keep us safe. Please say a prayer for our friends who have lost loved ones and open our homes to those who are left alone this holiday season. Take care, stay safe and warm and give thanks for our many blessings. Most of all pray for our precious troops and their families.