Doug’s Doorstep


Something Better


Don’t give up! These are encouraging words that tell us to keep on trying and to develop the attitude, “I can do it!” We find ourselves at times thinking in the negative. All we can see around us are bad things, and we don’t see very much good—or positive things to keep us going.

We may not have gotten the job that we wanted. We were passed over for a promotion again, and it hurts. The family is fighting, and no one seems to want to give an inch. The love seems to have gone out of our marriage, and we don’t know what to do to repair damage that has been done. Health issues and finances are causing us more problems than we care to even think about. This COVID virus has caused all kinds of problems, and it seems we will never get back to a sense of normalcy. The list goes on and would be different for each one of us.

Realize first that there are no quick fixes to the problems we face. If we fall and skin our knee or elbow we can put a band aid on it, and the problem is solved. Not so with some of the things we get involved in.

We must turn to the One who is able to help us the most. Of course, the only one who truly can help is our Creator. Some of the problems we face are caused because we leave God out of the picture. We want what we want and will do what we need to do to get it, all the while depending, not on God, but only in ourselves.

One of my favorite characters in the Bible is the man Elijah. He had a great victory on Mount Carmel, and the One true God was seen as the only God to serve. Jezebel, Ahab’s wife, told him his life would be like the dead prophets that were killed on this mount. Elijah is ready to give up. He feels he is the only one in Israel who is trying to please the Lord. God lets him know that there are many others in Israel who are still faithful. Read this in 1 Kings 18-19. See how many positive thoughts you can get from this text.

The men and women of the Bible were human beings just like us. They continued following God because they knew there was something better waiting for them. Noah built an ark and survived the flood. Moses was willing to forsake the riches of Egypt to suffer ill treatment with God’s people. Jeremiah preached God’s message though he faced much opposition. And Paul the apostle continued to serve God in the midst of all sorts of hardships and trials. Every one of them made a choice. They could have given up at any moment, but they stayed faithful to God. If God is first in our lives ("But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33 (NASB)) we have all we need, and the rewards at the end of our lives are tremendous. Don’t give up!