Doug’s Doorstep




I certainly believe that there is a God and that He created all things. I cannot image that two masses of energy collided with each other, and we now have the intricate details that we have. Every time that you have something that was made, you have a Designer who created it.

I have a Fitbit that I wear to tell me the time, keep track of the steps I take and other things. What if I told you that one day I put a bunch of metal, screws, and other objects out on a table and went to bed. Then, when I got up the next morning, lo and behold, there was the Fitbit that I wear on my arm. All of those things got themselves together in the night and created a useful item for me to wear. You may think that I have a real problem.

There was a designer who thought up the Fitbit and how it should work. He then made the Fitbit and sold it to make a profit. It just didn’t happen and evolve.

Buildings have designers, as do cars, planes, and everything that we see around us. Things just didn’t happen on their own.

The first chapter of Genesis tells us, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) Someone has said that there are five things that are needed to create anything. These are time, force, energy, space and matter. We have all of this in the very first verse of the Bible.

Time—in the beginning



Space—the heavens

Matter—the earth

God’s greatest creation had to be human beings. Man was made from the dust of the ground, and woman was made from the one of the ribs of man. The psalmist said in Psalm 139:14, “I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” I totally agree with him.

There is a God in heaven. He loves us and has made a way of salvation for us so that we might be able to live with Him through all eternity. But we must be willing to obey His conditions found in the New Testament. Jesus is coming back one day, and then all opportunities to obey Him will be gone. Make sure you are prepared so you can live with Him.