News From Cherokee ISD


Our Cherokee Lady Indians clenched 2nd place in district basketball and have advanced to the bi-district round of the playoffs. Congratulations!

The cheer parent meeting was held last week, so cheerleading hopefuls need to be practicing their routines. They will have mandatory mock tryouts on March 5th at 5 p.m. and official tryouts on the 6th with high school at 1:30 p.m. and junior high at 2:30 p.m.

This week is the last week of the 4th 6 weeks. Be looking for report cards to go out next week.

We will have a PTC meeting on the 19th at 4:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. We are really needing more parents to attend as it’s mostly attended by school staff. We need everyone to participate in this group to keep it going!

Our PTC does so many wonderful things for our school. They provide a meal and goody bag for school staff during in-service week. They give teachers $200 to spend on their classrooms. They run the football concession stand, paying the coordinator and the expenses. They sponsor the Fall Festival. They provide the refreshments for the Christmas program, as well as snack bags for UIL and STAAR test. They coordinate Teacher Appreciation Week activities. They provide money for the A/AB honor roll drawing of $100 and $50 and $100 for perfect attendance. They pitch in for Rock Your School Day. They sponsor the color run and water day. They purchase elementary field trip shirts every two years. They provide teacher grant opportunities. They sponsor 4th of July activities as well.

Please think of ways you can pitch in to keep all of these amazing programs alive!