News From Cherokee ISD

  • Lauren Roberson handling the ball in the varsity game against Rochelle Courtesy Rita Boultinghouse
    Lauren Roberson handling the ball in the varsity game against Rochelle Courtesy Rita Boultinghouse
  • Gunner Baugh making a pass to Joey Bond in the varsity game against Rochelle Courtesy Rita Boultinghouse
    Gunner Baugh making a pass to Joey Bond in the varsity game against Rochelle Courtesy Rita Boultinghouse

Last week was another busy week of basketball. The varsity boys beat Richland Springs 4238 and Rochelle 42-32. They are 4-0 in district and 12-4 for the year. Shout outs from Coach White this week go to Joel Valdez and Joey Bond who played well on both ends of the floor. The youth basketball teams played Richland Springs as well with both our K-2 team and our 3rd and 4th grade team emerging victorious. Cherokee will host the youth basketball tournament this Saturday. If you would like to help, please contact Chelsea Fry. Come out and support our little Indians!

Soccer season is right around the corner, and we are trying to get enough kids to participate in the Llano league with our own Cherokee teams! Flyers were sent out last week. Please return your flyer (filled out) if your student is interested. If you did not get one and would like one, please contact Cassandra Merriman. Here’s hoping for some Cherokee youth sports soccer!

We will have an awards assembly this Thursday at 2:30 p.m. to recognize semester honor roll, perfect attendance, and UIL for elementary and junior high. Parents are welcome to attend.

Have a great week!