Alice in Wonder Land


It brought tears when I read last week's news from "Happy Herman's Hideaway" that they gave me a hello, love and missed me. Well, I love and miss y'all more!

Boy did I get a scare last week when I was notified that a boxer-mix dog attacked a small dog and it's companion (a woman). The dog and companion were treated at hospitals. The attack dog was only quarantined until neighbors gave complaints so now it is out of here. I usually walked my wonderful companion Ellie (a chocolate Labrador) down by where those dogs live but changed directions and took pepper spray with me.

We had a Celebration of Life services for my husband, Larry, in San Saba in December; Mexico in February and last Saturday, June 26th, in Dresden, Ohio. There were many testimonies of Larry's Christian witness and friendship.

What a wonderful surprise I got this evening when Edward Flores texted me needing directions to my home and will stop and visit me on the way back to San Saba after visiting their son and family in Saint Clairsville.

Two years ago I bought a book, We The Widows, A Guide to Your New Life, by my classmate, Patricia Tyson Redmond. I got it for someone who would need it not realizing it would be me. Pati wrote in the front: Alice & Larry "Old" & Special Friends! Don't worry about tomorrow, God is already there! Blessings, Pati Redmond. I read this book in three days and am thankful I did not give it away. "God will walk with us as we enter this new phase of our lives." "You can shed a tear that he is gone, or you can smile because he lived."