Richland Springs Preservation Society


Merry Christmas, everyone. I hope the lights in and on the building are bringing joy and hope into your lives. The Bank room, RS BoHo Unique and Shoppe 1910 have brightened up our city “skyline.” I hope everyone is going to add the December 27th clean up day to their calendar. President Jason Lewis is asking that we have all hands-on deck to clean the upstairs level. The goal is to complete the cleaning that was started and remove debris that has piled up.

This will lessen pressure on the downstairs ceilings. If you have shovels, gloves and wheelbarrows, grain scoops, shop vacs and extension cords, you will help us achieve the goal. Come and join the fun as we work to restore our beautiful old building.

We are saddened to hear of the recent passing of Bob Collins. He was a staunch supporter of the Preservation Society and an ardent fan of keeping our history alive. He will be missed.