The Richland Springs Report


And just like that, January is done and welcome to February. I am 28 days away from my cruise and then there months away from being retired again. Although I love the kids and what I’m teaching, the weight of responsibility is a little heavy. I appreciate Mr. Womack, Mrs. Wyatt, and the parents for their support. My students have been so patient with me as I struggled my way through seven textbooks and piles of grading. I will feel better when I know the majority, if not all my students, pass their STAAR tests. These tests are not user friendly and are not a true test of what the kids know.

I’m in quarantine until Tuesday. Somehow, I have managed to get Covid. So far Russ is not getting sick. I will watch him carefully. I thought I had a sinus infection, so the Covid thing was a surprise. I guess I can now add natural immunity to my defense system. It’s more of a nuisance than a threat. My concern is the aftereffects. So many patients speak of the continued side effects of having Covid. I guess I will beef up my probiotics, zinc, and vitamin D regimen.

Our pastor is home from the border. He says you can’t imagine the mess at the border. I’ve seen the images and the tremendous sea of people from multiple countries streaming over our border. The amount of traffic is not sustainable for our economy, nor is it a refuge for all these people if they don’t have work or a place to stay. We need some guidelines.

The basketball teams are having an outstanding season. So far, they are undefeated in district play. Both the Lady Coyotes and the Coyotes defeated their rival team Lohn easily. Coyote men will play Brookesmith on the 30th, junior high boys will playa Rochelle on the February 1st, and high school boys will play Cherokee on the February 2nd. The upcoming boys games will be on the 6th and 9th. One Act play will be attending a clinic in Friendship on the 10th.

The Richland Springs Preservation Society will be holding a members meeting on February 5th at the Community Center. The meeting will start at 6:00 p.m. Anyone in the community who is interested in this project is welcome to attend.

If you are needing food, please contact the Baptist Church or come by on the 1st and 3rd Mondays from 5:30-6:30 p.m. If you are unable to come due to lack of transportation or illness, we will bring you a box of provisions.

Quilting ladies will meet Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall of the Baptist Church.

As usual, the prayer list is long and full of seriously ill people. The doctor’s office told me they are full of strep, flu and Covid cases. We have multiple cancer cases in the community. It was wonderful to hear Johnny Reeves voice during the song service. I had to watch on the web since I can’t go out. Please pray for our country; the situation I Israel and the recent deaths of our soldiers in Jordan. Pray for our President and generals as they prepare to retaliate against the murderers of our soldiers. Pray for our border, for the thousands of children being trafficked. We need God to be with us as we face these issues. Please hold up the families of the soldiers who lost their lives, the many who were wounded in their beds, and the soldiers who are in harm’s way. We need a strong President and Congress to step up and protect our precious troops.

Stay safe and keep praying for our precious troops and their families.