The Richland Springs Report


Another wild and wooly week here in Richland Springs. The volleyball ladies completed their season and turned out the next day to start their basketball season. On a high note, Calyn Kubin was given the setter of the year award. Congratulations, Calyn and Lady Coyotes.

I didn’t get to go to the game Friday night, but Pam Starr kept me posted. Our boys went into the locker room at halftime one score behind. I texted her and said we were good. Sure enough, final score for the boys was 50-37. Richland will face Bronte next week. Please watch the school page for details. Congratulations Coach Rogers and the 2023 Bi-District Champions.

Chrissy and I are still working on the bank space. The help we received from Jason Lewis and Dan Boone gave us the kick we needed.

Troy Soto is fixing the floor for us and checking the roof. Another layer of tar was put on the roof, and the leak was slowed but not stopped. Franky Soto is working hard to get it stopped. Troy thinks if he had 17 long pieces of tin, he could stop the leak. I have some tin, but not that many pieces. Does anyone have any tin they would like to donate? I think we need a work day for upstairs as well. If some of the weight could be taken off the upstairs, it would help me downstairs. I wonder if this sounds like an honor society project?

I haven’t reminded anyone in a while, but please remember to shop locally when possible: The Coyote Store, The Feedlot, Skelton’s Hardware, Hair It Is, McKinnerney Real Estate and our RS BoHo Unique.

They all need business to keep their doors open. Also, keep your eyes and your Christmas dollars open for the Christmas Market coming the weekend of Thanksgiving.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, the Perry family has decided to provide a Thanksgiving meal for anyone in the community regardless of church membership or need. They want to share the blessings they have received with the community. So, if you’re by yourself, need a meal, want to spend time with folks around, please accept their offer. There is no cost, no matter the size of your family. It will be held at the newly decorated Community Center.

We graduated another town legend today. Thomas Alston went to be with his Lord. Thomas has been an active part of this community for over a half century. He and his wife Ann just celebrated their 67th anniversary. He has filled many civic positions in this town. Richland Springs bears the marks of his dedication, especially the old bank building. He will be missed, especially by his beloved wife and his children.

Someone asked me about debate this week. I told them that we have lost the art of debate. Now when you disagree with someone, then it becomes a war of insults. I think Covid has a part to play in the lack of communication skills we are facing today. I’ve said it for years; we need a return to civility in our society. Our churches need to get together and work for Jesus. Denominational differences don’t send you to hell. Your relationship, or lack of it, with Jesus is the deciding factor. During this season of joy, let’s try to work together to make this world a better place.

Johnny Reeves is struggling with chemo treatments and needs our prayers, as does Lynn as she fights this battle with him. Jeremy Young, on the other hand, is doing very well after his treatments. We have many others in the community who are struggling with health issues. Please keep our community in your prayers. Obviously, our country, the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, China and all the other bad actors in the world, need a good dose of God. Please pray for the incredible amount of illegals entering by our southern border.

Don’t forget the free Thanksgiving meal in the Community Center.

Most of all pray for our precious troops and their families.